HaroldofRight99: @Anonymous: Or perhaps there is something wrong with you who can't just ignore this. I believe this a block list of some kind. Use that instead.
Anonymous2: @HaroldofRight99: Wow sweets, that's pretty funny you telling someone to "use the block list"....Also you are a shitty art thief. And a hack. I will never let anyone ever forget that about you, because it's true. Every transgression that was dug up about you is true... absolutely true and you know it. You bold face lie about it...but that doesn't change that fact. You stole art and did shitty recolors and traces of artists work that FAR outclass your shitty scribble scrabble art. You pretend that there is more than one of you. (There clearly isn't) 3- You get mad when people do art art that isn't YOUR favorite ships. (Fucking deal with it and move on with your life. It's NEVER going to stop.) If you really don't believe in your heart any of these things to be true, why do you fly into an incoherent rambling mess every time someone calls you out? Clearly nerves are being pressed or ...your just an autistic mess of a person with No guidance in you life.
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