Anonymous1: stop posting bullshit, you know exactly that gwen is officially ten years old in canon and there is her teenage version of her in canon. You have no right to do this, if you continue with this I will grab that and show people that they really know what you are doing and it is not right what is right. teen gwen from alien force and raven are teenagers and the same size. And don't deny that all characters grow up in the non-real fictional world. Ask simba, tarzan, bambi and other characters who were once children and turns into an adult, no wonder people have never liked you. and don't play dumb, you do know them
Anonymous3(1): @Anonymous: she grew up in 2010, stupid. I'm pretty sure there's a teenage version of her in the canon.Canon age is totally relevant, it is living proof that you are wrong and it is pedophilia,
Anonymous4(1): @Anonymous: @Anonymous: don't try fucking shit. Canon age is totally relevant, it is living proof that you are wrong and it is pedophilia. so no rules are being violated on the canon. you want to get away with it. in this 2020 there is still her teenage version And I know what your fear is to murder yourself. . Read the damn site wikis. all the characters have their ages in the canon, it is totally relevant. GWEN is 10 years old, 10 YEARS IN THE CANON FUCKER. you can't spend all day hanging out with a young adult who are not the same age, it's true that's why people are not interested in sick people like you because they know it's pedophilia and it's wrong
Anonymous5(1): @Anonymous: In other words, you completely ignored my post from before- Read what I have in bold.. This is directly from the wiki
These characters grow up in the non-real fictional world. the original is a 10-year-old girl in the canon and all the characters grow up as boys. I'm pretty sure Raven and teen gwen tennyson from alien force are drawn by the same cartoonist and writer. They are CARTOONS grow in their current canon, so it's fine. They should create fan arts with the teen twen. age is totally relevant.
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: I will never understand how lunatics like you aren't locked up in the Looney bin. Your (possibly) a grown adult getting triggered over porn of a cartoon character. Either seek help or end your pathetic life. Either way just fuck off you nutjob.
Anonymous8(6): @Anonymous: I will never understand how pedophiles like you aren't locked up in the pedophilia.
Either seek help or end your pathetic life. Either way just fuck off you nutjob. Read the wiki and their official ages, I'm going to show that to people who already know what you do. this is freak.I will not stop if you do not respect the teen gwen or deny it for what you do is a fucking lunatic. that's why people don't like what you do or be friends like you.
Anonymous9: Stop commenting anon 1, you post on every single post i see of gwen . Get a life , some is copy and paste and some you literally type on your keyboard meanwhile wanking to your teenage gwen that nobody will draw for you
Anonymous11(7): @Anonymous: Says the asshole who spend all his time bitching like a pompous ass on a hentai and pretending to have the "moral highground" while frequenting a porn site. Also little tidbit even they do more porn of teen gwen SHES STILL UNDERAGED YOU PROTENTIOUS FUCK! WHERES YOUR ARGUMENT NOW SHITHEAD!
Anonymous12(6): @Anonymous: you stop create bullshit! Of course they will, I'm still a student and I'm taking everything to take to school, which I'm learning to be an artist in the future for 2 years, you just don't know it yet.
Anonymous13(7): @Anonymous: English. Learn how to write it asshole. Also that makes sense only a child who would get so continuosly bent over a cartoon. Seriously wait till you live in the real world and realize how few people actually care about dumb shit like this.
Anonymous14(7): Also since you love to quote the rules all the time read this.
The following is our definition of under-age content:
Real child pornography (actual photographs of real children).
Realistic 3-dimensional renders of under-age male and/or female characters who are nude or performing any sexual activity.
Toddlercon/Babykon: I really shouldn't have to explain this. Content like this is strictly forbidden to post on Paheal and posters will be warned followed by a site ban if the posting doesn't stop. UPDATE: We have decided to only remove toddlerkon that violates DA's definition of porn (link) so that we can allow some images that potentially hold a level of "artistic merit". Also, non-human, extremely stylized, and "chibi" drawings are exempt.
UPDATE: Just to clarify, for now toddlercon is the ONLY content we will be deleting until we can get a clear definition of what is lolicon and shotacon, you would be surprised how thin the line is.
As for lolicon and shotacon that just falls into the general category; It is still a grey area and I am exploring the legality and discussing the topic with many high profile artists and content makers to get their opinions on it. I never have and never will limit artistic expression but when the law is clear the law is clear. There will be more updates on this topic in the weeks and months ahead. I welcome the opinions of the community and my contact email can be found in the staff page. Furthermore I am on our IRC channel from time to time if any of you want to have a discussion about this with me.
Anonymous17: @Anonymous: you learn the fucking wiki first, motherfucker pedo. You're creating drama and pedophilia for nothing. there is a teenage gwen in canon. I won't stop until they accept it and believe it. She has grown since 2010, this proves that you are a wrong liar motherfucker.
Anonymous19: What are you gonna do about it? This drawing is gonna stay up and you're gonna be crying yourself to sleep at night over an imaginary cartoon girl with no thoughts or feelings. Awww, poor wittle faggot crying over issues that don't harm any one in real life except xir's own daddy issues. Grow a cock and suck on it, you mental case. I'm so glad there's someone like you to advocate for those poor cartoon children who preteens fap over while real children are being harmed by adults (probably by people like you)
These characters grow up in the non-real fictional world. the original is a 10-year-old girl in the canon and all the characters grow up as boys. I'm pretty sure Raven and teen gwen tennyson from alien force are drawn by the same cartoonist and writer. They are CARTOONS grow in their current canon, so it's fine. They should create fan arts with the teen twen. age is totally relevant.
Either seek help or end your pathetic life. Either way just fuck off you nutjob. Read the wiki and their official ages, I'm going to show that to people who already know what you do. this is freak.I will not stop if you do not respect the teen gwen or deny it for what you do is a fucking lunatic. that's why people don't like what you do or be friends like you.
The following is our definition of under-age content:
Real child pornography (actual photographs of real children).
Realistic 3-dimensional renders of under-age male and/or female characters who are nude or performing any sexual activity.
Toddlercon/Babykon: I really shouldn't have to explain this. Content like this is strictly forbidden to post on Paheal and posters will be warned followed by a site ban if the posting doesn't stop. UPDATE: We have decided to only remove toddlerkon that violates DA's definition of porn (link) so that we can allow some images that potentially hold a level of "artistic merit". Also, non-human, extremely stylized, and "chibi" drawings are exempt.
UPDATE: Just to clarify, for now toddlercon is the ONLY content we will be deleting until we can get a clear definition of what is lolicon and shotacon, you would be surprised how thin the line is.
As for lolicon and shotacon that just falls into the general category; It is still a grey area and I am exploring the legality and discussing the topic with many high profile artists and content makers to get their opinions on it. I never have and never will limit artistic expression but when the law is clear the law is clear. There will be more updates on this topic in the weeks and months ahead. I welcome the opinions of the community and my contact email can be found in the staff page. Furthermore I am on our IRC channel from time to time if any of you want to have a discussion about this with me.
- wiiaboo
arguing about age of ink lines on paper LOL