Pant: Why is it JJBA that gets people fucking furious whenever they see porn of it? What makes THIS any different from over stuff on this site?
Also, Anon 13, I understand that. But The rule is that you can’t post pictures of real nude children because that’s really fucked up, but Jolyne isn’t real so I don’t see the problem.
Anonymous15: Hey to everyone that coment about this being pedoshit or things like that, can you also do the same here?
Or here?
Or here?
Or it didn´t aply because you like it or because isn´t about a fandom you like? Double standards?
Pant: Why should people care about a person who
1. Doesn't exist
2. Has no real life feelings or emotions
3. Can be whatever age the artist says they are?
Anonymous30: This comment section is just full of normies like there's worser shit out there and yall out here shaming people for liking a drawing? A drawing. Get the fuck out of here go back to your vanilla drawings smh. Morals? In this site morals are all thrown out the window
Anonymous32: Vanilla ? She looks like she's 7. I know there's shouta and shit but this is Jolyne as a literal fucking child. The art's really good though. I don't mind the incest it's honestly just that she's a literal child.
Anonymous35: This isnt ok but all the trish x diavolo or doppio is. Explain they’re both underage and they’re fucking their dads how can you complain about this but not that?
Anonymous37: @Pant: drawing or not you sick fuck, it's still a prediction of a child being fucked. I can't believe people would defend this, how about you fuck off. And the people complaing about 'normies' go back to twitter with the MAP supporters or something, a lot of people here aren't sick in the head.
Anonymous38(37): I don't care about the incest btw, that's not biggest problem. The biggest problem is that Jolyne IS FUCKING 7 IN THIS. Haha yeah go ahead say it's ink, say it's just a drawing cause that's all you have to say to defend your sick fantasies. Call me a normalfag, do it. Atleast I won't be the one behind bars soon.
Anonymous44: Wow, people keep commenting this, attacking that Pant, and ignoring all the other content of Gwen Tennyson, Marnie from Porkyman and the shota/young boy content here even when its the same thing they are claiming is bad here, I suppose they all like it and don't want it to be reportable, or is it selective? Shouldn't they all be considered in the same group?
Anonymous45(37): @Anonymous: oh shut the fuck up, stop trying to make our points invalid by saying there's other shit out there to report. No one but you sick fucks are actively trying to look for it, there's a thing called accidentally stumbling upon it. And don't act like we don't care about anything besides young Jolyne cause no sane person fucking likes pedophilia in any form, go suck one.
Anonymous46: @Anonymous:
>accidentally stumbling upon it
Even though there's a thumbnail that pretty clearly shows you the kind of content within.
Ok. Sure. So what you're saying is that you're into it but are trying desperately to seem not into it by strongly projecting how horrid other people must be for liking it. Coolio. 👉🏽👉🏽
Anonymous47(37): @Anonymous: No? Cause I'm a victim to pedophilia, of course I'm gonna have a strong hate for it. And that's still accidentally stumbling upon it, I look for Jotaro and get gross shit. Nice guess though.
Anonymous48: and you're on the right place for that, you know what they say about doing the same expecting different results
one needs more than being right, one must show intelligence
Anonymous52(30): Some people here don't understand that anything goes here on rule 34. Everybody say it with me "IF IT EXISTS, THERE'S PORN OF IT". Jesus christ, learn how to read the original rule.
Anonymous53(30): You know what else is funny? At the end of the fucking day you'll end up forgetting about this. Not taking any action on how to prevent this. You guys are just sitting on your computer or on your phone typing this out with only bark and no bite.
Anonymous55(30): Anon 45: Hello, Police? Yes I would like to make a report on child pornography?
Police: Alright, is the suspect holding illegal porn displaying a real and illegal child?
Anon 45: No, it's actually a drawing but! That doesn't justify-
Police: Calm down son, it's just a drawing.
Anonymous58(50): this is just painful. what the fuck is wrong with you people. this is literally a 7 year old we're dealing with. 7 fucking years old. this is literal child pornography. rule literal fucking 1 states: "Under no circumstances will Child Pornography be tolerated, NO EXCEPTIONS. This includes realistic simulations and fakes, all "fakes" that portray an underage actor / singer etc. They are not permitted and any Child Pornography posters will receive a permanent ban and your relevant information passed onto your local authorities; we cannot stress this enough. Underage means under 18 years since exiting the womb." the legal definition is "federal law defines child pornography as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor." this is a textbook example of child pornography. this is an explicit image of a human being under the age of 18. it doesn't fucking matter if she doesn't exist because she is a literal minor. you are encouraging the abuse of minors. you are encouraging the sexual assault of a human being who is underdeveloped and physically cannot comprehend what you are doing to them.
Crimson-Snow: LMFAO at all the normies on here. You faggots mad? Aww you wanted to see Jotaro but fucking Dio but got this instead? Tough shit. There's billions upon billions of pics of that evil bastard on her in all his fag glory so go look at that instead of making fools of yourselves. Many of you may have noticed I don't comment on most Jojo images anymore and it's because I know that while i hate seeing some content which is the majority of jojo porn you bastards still have heart attacks over stuff like this.
Anonymous66(64): It’s not my style and I get that it’s wrong, but open your fucking eyes. It’s a peace of fucking paper and you guys are crying over it
Anonymous67: @Anonymous: What? Gonna cry over an image? So what you're saying is that if someone draws or creates stuff that depicts gore or any of the sort is as bad? I guess you're saying that Shadman is a psychopath that knows how to draw? That people who draw rape hentai are rapists? That people who draw pictures of serial killers are also serial killers? People who draw other races are always said race? And what does that make people who watch porn or hentai? Are they rapists, psychopaths? If I'm correct then you're a fucking rapist or a psychopath.
Anonymous68: @Anonymous: wow no seriously you're right I like watched this yesterday and I think I wanna go fuck my dad or something and since I also watched gore films I also gonna commit murder.
Anonymous69: So many fucking idiots in this comment section jfc. "Under no circumstances will Child Pornography be tolerated... This includes realistic simulations and fakes, all "fakes" that portray an underage actor / singer etc... Underage means under 18 years since exiting the womb." THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT REAL KIDS LMAO. So are the federal laws, US law includes art depicting an IDENTIFIABLE MINOR, as in identifiable as a real person, as child pornography. For example, Shadman's porn of that underage YouTuber is cp. His loli shit is not. CSEM is CRIME SCENE FOOTAGE, not something to be applied to someone's Jojo art. When you report art of Jolyne fuckin Cujoh or whatever, it means that some website staff has to check it out and make sure it's not real child pornography, thus PREVENTING THEM FROM CHECKING OUT THE ACTUAL CHILD PORNOGRAPHY PEOPLE ARE REPORTING. Jesus christ you are not helping kids by watering down serious terms and fucking up website reporting systems.
Anonymous75: You guys are wasting your time arguing with pedophiles. There is no talking sense into them because they will always try to justify their sick urges.
Anonymous76(49): Hey y’all, if we get this removed then we gotta remove all the trans!HCs bullshit then since both are mental conditions. It’s all or none, stop promoting either.
Anonymous86(83): I love how these normies will tackle art BUT WILL NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT ACTUAL PEDOS. You normies are wasting your time and you just want clout
Anonymous101: >it’s just a drawing
what’s in the drawing? what is so attractive about this drawing? it’s the child. if u masturbate to this, you are masturbating to the depiction of a child, whether you like it or not. you are one step better than a pedo that looks at actual cp. also @Crimson-Snow “gay porn bad incest child porn good”
Anonymous103(83): @Anonymous: Then with idiots like you running this site, at least 60% of all porn in this site alone would be removed because "iTs peDophIliA"
Anonymous105(83): @Anonymous: Because you all just repeat the same point which I have answered at the very least 12 times. Go back to Reddit my boy, you're not a hero. Just a mere annoyance
Anonymous106(101): @Anonymous: lolol your only argument is “iTs JuSt A dRaWiNg” when that’s what my comment is literally about. how about you actually critically think about it for two seconds before commenting.
Anonymous107: Hey you. Yes you! Want to roleplay some JJBA yaoi or simply talk? Then add me on Discord!-->Joot#6574
AND NO, I'M NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING LIKE THE IMAGE. I knew a lot of people would be here, it's a strategy.
Anonymous111(109): @Pant: stupid rule? i genuinely hope you fucking go to jail, get raped and beaten by the inmates and live until 90 going through all the pain the prisoners with morals inflict on you.
Anonymous114: The only reason I like this ship is because everyone hates it. WELCOME TO RULE34 MOTHERFUCKERS! This is for the twisted people. All those who are just commenting rudely, how about, just don't click it? Dumbass.
Anonymous115: "Its just a drawing of a child that turns me on, it doesn't count" yeah just thinking about a child turning you on doesn't make you a pedo of couuuurse 😬
Crimson-Snow: Shut the fuck up! Fucking pussies! It's a drawing! 137 fucking anon fag cunts crying over their fictional fucking character being " raped. " You fucking suck! You bitch and bitch about the " under age " female Jojo characters aand bithc when people draw Lucy Steel but you draw disgusting fucking homo shit of god damn Emporio for god sake. You are just fucking " queer " obssesed asshates. Jojo fandom is fucking RUINED by lgbtq FREAKS claiming the fandom as their own. I was given death threats for reminding people Joseph is straight! I wa smocked and called " staighty " on this very site. It's so pathetic it's funny but what's infuriating is how prevailing you fucking fag cunts are. Billions of pics of Dio fucking Jotaro and Jonathan and Erina has liek what 50 fucking pics? It's unimaginable for any other fandom! This is the only fucking fandom with this much of a preference over totally ooc yaoi shit and gay porn with the females getting little to no attention.
You goddamn idiots. They are ink on a piece of paper! aka: NOT. REAL.
Also, Anon 13, I understand that. But The rule is that you can’t post pictures of real nude children because that’s really fucked up, but Jolyne isn’t real so I don’t see the problem.
Said the soon to be caught pedo.
Or here?
Or here?
Or it didn´t aply because you like it or because isn´t about a fandom you like? Double standards?
However, this doesn't stop it from being a stupid rule.
1. Doesn't exist
2. Has no real life feelings or emotions
3. Can be whatever age the artist says they are?
we are furios because it premotes incest
Fucking sick ppl on here.
R E P O R T. I T.
Oh that man almost killed their neighbor but you know there's worse shit out there. Someone actually killed their neighbor.
Whatever you excuse you come up with, just now y'all sick. Haha.
>accidentally stumbling upon it
Even though there's a thumbnail that pretty clearly shows you the kind of content within.
Ok. Sure. So what you're saying is that you're into it but are trying desperately to seem not into it by strongly projecting how horrid other people must be for liking it. Coolio. 👉🏽👉🏽
one needs more than being right, one must show intelligence
Police: Alright, is the suspect holding illegal porn displaying a real and illegal child?
Anon 45: No, it's actually a drawing but! That doesn't justify-
Police: Calm down son, it's just a drawing.
"Its just a drawing ok guys so it doesn't matter yeah im not a pedo guys its a drawing"
- Reply
what’s in the drawing? what is so attractive about this drawing? it’s the child. if u masturbate to this, you are masturbating to the depiction of a child, whether you like it or not. you are one step better than a pedo that looks at actual cp. also @Crimson-Snow “gay porn bad incest child porn good”
AND NO, I'M NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING LIKE THE IMAGE. I knew a lot of people would be here, it's a strategy.
go fuck yourself, you absolute worthless cunt.
- Reply