Anonymous2(1): This place also explains why, in this story, most female human beings doesn't mean shit, and are just toys. It because if the "dominator" doesn't like her, he can just clone her and change the clone to his liking. Hell, he could abduct a woman, sedate her, clone her, and put the original back, and nobody who wasn't a corrupt shitback would know what had been done.
Anonymous3: Awful! Just faggot-lesbian-adult stuff. NO assfucked pre-teens! NO Lolis and Shotas voluntary forced to submit abjectly. Nothing a REAL man could be happy with.
Anonymous6: Monocone has his style of porn/story. Take it or leave it, you could see the thumbnail and you all know what you were going to get. But I respect that he will credit ALL artists where he took the cropped bodies from and labels the original artists. Mad props for your honesty Monocone, this is a very interesting way to make transformitive Rule 34 into an original piece. I like the idea of futas raping all the women, interested to see this continued.
Anonymous8: The sad truth is I like the way he adapts these edited figures. I like the slick, airbrushed look to the bodies of the characters and the lush dark colors. Now if he could just pull his head out of his egos ass long enough to consider doing something, ANYTHING other than these pointless, directionless erotica narratives he might just up his support ratio above 1/100, the 1 being his supporters. I'd sure like to see that.
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