Anonymous5: @GoodPorn: @Anonymous: gwen officially has 10 motherfucker. you are wanting something for you to masturbate with who is not an adult or teenager. There is already an official teenager Gwen Tennyson, but you are choosing the original character modifying her body into an adult body, which is your fucking problem with her teenage version that officially looks 20 years old. This proves you're a fucking pedophile. You already got tons of reports AND i stole of it.
Anonymous6: @Anonymous: Thanks for stopping pedophilia, the real life children being abused right now are very grateful to you for protecting the sanctity of this fictional character.
Inocencius: Psycho-sexual development in tweens is a valuable thing that impacts the rest of their adult lives. These types of images sometimes serve to represent the sublimity of the sexual act in mutual love and respect.
Violetty: @Anonymous: Gwen is one of the 'cute cartoon girls' that caught my eye growing up, much like Raven from Teen Titans, or Frankie from FHFIF, I have a similiar opinion with Hermione from the Harry Potter films. This is just my opinion but, if you aren't into her then you're either: too old, too young, or you prolly didn't pay much attention to these shows, OR you're not into 2D, and it'd be weird finding someone like that here. 😆
Anonymous10(3): @Violetty: @Violetty: Gwen is not cute, because she is officially a 10-year-old girl. and don't compare her to Raven from Teen Titans or Frankie from FHFIF they are older. That shows you are a fucking pedophile. There are already characters that are older and more adult from the original but you deny it because you are an idiot
Anonymous12: @Anonymous: Would you please shut the fuck up already. If you don't like then go elsewhere, Ben and Gwen are cartoons therefore aren't real.
@Anonymous: They're not real bruh
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Not to go solving pseudo-problems.
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