Schrodingers_cat: Unless I miss my guess, she's part of an Imperial Guard regiment called the 'Death Korps of Krieg'. They're pretty much modelled on WWI Germans, so seeing a resemblance is understandable.
Anonymous5: Looks like she's getting some R&R, well she won't be getting much rest now that I've arrived I'm a fucking Commissar and I think your laziness is atrocious. Now bend over and prepare for disciplinary spankings.
Anonymous7: Ampmyous3: She's from the Death Korps of Krieg, if you couldn't tell they're based on WW1 Germans, like the Armageddon Steel Legion are WW2 Germans, Mordian Iron Guard are Prussians, Vostroyan First Born are Czarist Russians, Valhallan Ice Warriors are Soviets, and Catachans are Vietnam War Americans.
Also she can prep my 'Earthshaker' for an 'artillery barrage' any day!
Anonymous11: hehe now i get it.. In the Imperial Infantry mens Uplifting primer ( a hilarious propaganda handbook for the guard, often used as toilet paper) it notes that sleeping bags can be zipped to gether to make best use of body heat, but is ill advised as u will be shot...
Anonymous12: Hmm, Anon11, I can't seem to find that anywhere in it (though there is plenty of other bad advice and threats to the life of the reader). Can you give the page number on that? The bit about equipment does list "Sleep bag" and "blanket" as items in the standard kit but provides no further elaboration (good to know that the Departmento Munitorum trusts its men to know how to use a blanket).
Or I could just be confused and you're in fact referencing another piece of fluff (one of the Commissar Cain books perhaps?) that makes that allusion to the Uplifting Primer (vs pulling the quote from the actual Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer,published in 2003).
In which case, I just made an ass of myself and revealed what a complete and hopeless loser I am in owning this thing...
But hey, you guys can't say anything, you're looking at 40k themed porn too! You're just as pathetic as I am.
Anonymous14: @Anonymous: Threats of death and pain only work on those who are afraid of them. The Death Korps aren't. In fact, they actually welcome death in the Emperors service. Those crazy bastards. I imagine someone from Krieg would rather bite their own tongue off and choke to death on it. Or bite your cock off, for being stupid enough to put it in her mouth. Either/or.
Also, I'd hit that with a power-fist.
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Then I'd put it in.
Also she can prep my 'Earthshaker' for an 'artillery barrage' any day!
Or I could just be confused and you're in fact referencing another piece of fluff (one of the Commissar Cain books perhaps?) that makes that allusion to the Uplifting Primer (vs pulling the quote from the actual Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer,published in 2003).
In which case, I just made an ass of myself and revealed what a complete and hopeless loser I am in owning this thing...
But hey, you guys can't say anything, you're looking at 40k themed porn too! You're just as pathetic as I am.
It made me lol, made me motivated, and made my day
Money well spent