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Anonymous1: Literally fucking a turd. Disgusting.
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Anonymous2: Hahahaah @anonymous1 they're literally making fun of you.
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous2 well no it is disgusting to be a n i g g e r
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Anonymous4: general butch: triggering chinlets since 2016
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Anonymous5: Imagine thinking n!ggers deserve anything other than death lmao. Smooth brain cucks.
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Anonymous7(6): @Anonymous: @Anonymous: what are you two racist as FUCK
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Anonymous8: imagine how small the dick on the white boy who made this must be
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Anonymous9: posts like these always make me wonder.....

why does sarah bryant look like samus (or why does zero suits samus look like sarah)? is there a specific backstory for this or are they both just very generic looking pretty blondes?

as for the arguement: guys you are fighting over a fictional character fucking some fictional featureless black figure. it's completly meaningless shit
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Anonymous10: does not even look human
the skin is covered in shoepolish or something lmao
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Anonymous11: all these racism bad homos who lust after the British Broadcasting Corporation myth. Cringe and cope harder retards
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Anonymous12: racism bad is not an argument for low iq
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Anonymous13: @RedScarGrin you're triggered cringe
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Anonymous14: Why isn't this tagged for scat porn?
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: shut Up pussy. Your tiny ego is laughable
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Anonymous16(15): Gotta love how triggered these smallDick boys get
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Crimson-Snow: I sometimes wonder why there's so much racism against black men here and than I see comments like the above and am reminded it's because this fetish is trash and based on a falsehood that any woman who's been around the block knows isn't as important as a man who knows what to do with what he and she both got.
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Anonymous17: Look at all the bigots that suck Trumps Dick and has their fathers fuck them in the ass.
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Anonymous18: @Crimson-Snow:
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Anonymous19(5): @RedScarGrin: Suck my big white cock bitch boy lmao
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Anonymous20: literally every girl who fucks a nignog is a whore with an STD and single parenthood fetish
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Anonymous21: @RedScarGrin: I got the courage to say it n I g g e r
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Crimson-Snow: Guys? Pm me , I 100% guarantee I can make your sex life better.
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Anonymous22: @Crimson-Snow: You cruisin for man ass here now?
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Anonymous23: @Crimson-Snow: So are you a serial killer, trying to sell off brand boner pills or is it just a case of unwarranted self importance?
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Anonymous24: Fuck everyone who says different, this is PERFECTION.
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Anonymous25: Ew black people, Doing it with a black guy is basicly shoving Shit in your pussy, and why do that its such ew, not to mention most of there dics are fake anyways I mean come on all the videos like "2 foot British Broadcasting Company" is fack as hell and people this its natural, black peoples dicks are smaller then white dicks which is why they do that
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Anonymous26: white power!
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Anonymous27: @Anonymous: HELL YEAH!! THIS IS BEAUTY IN THE MAKING!! I'm white and FUCK WHITE PEOPLE LOL!! The racist pricks wish they could satisfy her like that!! That's why they keep commenting!!
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ChamaNaHannah: @Anonymous: They don't have a chance to satisfy anyone at all. That's why they keep coming here to say shit about black cocks. Pathetic... Haha
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Anonymous28: Well the dude's actually racist towards whites. Probably stemming from having a small wiener and a sad life. The last laugh is on him. You're supporting a racist.
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Anonymous29(28): He's actually a racist. There's an image where laughs at some guy's comment about white people commiting suicide and that asians should kill themselves.
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Anonymous30: People get mad because it's a stereotype based on a lie that often goes hand in hand with throwing other races (usually white dudes) under the bus saying they have a smaller dick. Imagine if you told a black man he had a small dick and made a porn video where a white man cucked him and fucked his wife. The black guy would be fucking pissed. But black dudes play into the stereotype (muh British Broadcasting Corporation yea dawg) not knowing they are just boxing themselves into old ass mandingo racist stereotypes. Imagine dehumanizing yourself just to try to win against the white man...
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Anonymous31: attractive and successful Africans should die im hispanic and rather fap to a white guy dicking this bitch then a filthy fucking attractive and successful African who sags and should be fucking killed

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