Anonymous3: @Anonymous: I distinctly remember that soy boy beating her dad, the fire lord. Should Zuko have done that too? Maybe the series should’ve been about him instead.
Anonymous5(1): @Anonymous: Look here, that Soyboy fleed the Air-temple before the war started, just because he didn't want to be the Avatar, also if it weren't for a Deus Ex Lion Turtle, Ozai would have won because Aang didn't have the gutt & balls to what was needed to done. Meanwheil as for Zuko went throught hell after Ozai abused him, then later sent him away in exile, had survived on his own without help from anyone, told Ozai to eff off during the eclipse & took a super powered lightning bolt to the chest to save Katara & last but not least, he made up for his misstakes with a lot of effort.
Anonymous6: @Anonymous1: ''Crying isn't my style, i am not a diaper wearing baby, unlike yourself my cutie.''
That's disturbingly the exact final words your whore mother said before I raped her, cut off her head and splooged all over her dead corpse. >:D
Anonymous8: Anon1: Really, you are using the ''everything you say to me applies to you instead'' reply that even a one year old wouldn't find funny? Reply one more time and it proves that you are an abortion that should have never been shitted out in the world. Then again, you fap to drawings of cartoon characters, so it doesn't surprise me that you still haven't end up getting locked up and raped in prison courtesy of Donald Trump.
Anonymous10: Hey dudes/dudettes, why are you feeding Anonymous1? They are obviously a troll who has nothing better to do than be obsessed over retarded cartoon porn, while insulting and harassing peeps. Honestly, ignore them and they will go away. But if they don't, report them to the administrators. We have rights and real lives unlike some people like Anonymous1 who only exist to prove what a pathetic excuse of humankind they are. Peace out, stay cool and be good.
Anonymous12: @Anonymous: Please ignore Anonymous1. The only reason he/she is here is to prove to us what a pathetic waste of a human being they are. We have jobs and personal lives with spending money and contributing to human society, while he/she is apparently a brainless child that spends all day infront of the computer fapping at cartoon porn. Gotta wonder how Anon1's parents would react if they saw that their 1 year old toddler is a criminal that wastes their existance trolling innocent people on the Internet and fapping to stupid drawing instead of growing up, getting proper education and actually contributing with something to humankind.
Anonymous14: Could some admin of this website please come here and IP block Anonymous1? They are obviously an immature retarded child that can't behave on the Internet like a decent human being, therefore he/she deserves to be banned.
Anonymous15(1): @Anonymous: Look here, i am an adult & i can behave, but when VPN using anons come to me & fuck with me by replying to me or talking about me, don't i have the right to defend myself?
Anonymous16: @Anonymous1: Dude, don't state you are an adult and can behave like one when you certainly aren't. You came to this pornographic drawing of a dumb cartoon whining about the fact it doesn't have your OTP, troll people into replying to you, then insulting them and commenting with sentences that are acceptable for a braindead person, but certainly not an adult which you claim to be. That's like murdering somebody, then claiming you didn't do it and are innocent despite the corpse being visible- your comments posted show your attitude and prove your real age dude. BTW, don't be a hypocrite- you are also an anonymous user. Granted so am I, though I don't waste my time stirring crap like you and being a douchebag. Remember that if you keep it up, you will get IP blocked. While I desire to remain neutral to this enchalada, I am tempted to report you to the staff because you are being a troublemaker whose troublemaking has to be ended, and you remind me of a similar horrid person I had to deal with in the past. Hope you understand and my words while your head can create other things apart from dumb insults and harassment. Well that was a good long wall of text, have a good one dude.
Anonymous17(1): @Anonymous: Can we agree then on this, that i will stop replying to you. But you stop replying to me. If that is so then respond with only (OK) in your next post.
Anonymous18: Whatever, I personally don't wanna be any part of this enchalada. If you wish to be a douche and harass the other people on this website and degrade yourself, then do as you wish. However, every action has consequences and sooner or later someone will grow tired of it, report you and get you banned. Also, do something else with your life besides stalking this drawing and website. Would like to comment further and speak with the other people here but don't wanna start trouble plus I don't know if the comments I post and my English are good. Hasta la vista dude.
Anonymous21: @Anonymous: This whole discusion is retarded, but Aang need the Avatar State to beat Ozai and got usually always in trouble against Azula.
Anonymous22: The problem isn't the Avatar's power, it's the fact that Aang is a pacifist and due to his culture he won't kill anybody. That and it's a kid show, so we can't have anyone die and stay dead. This is a problem in plenty of cartoons, where the villain always gets away with their plans thwarted, though here Ozai gets permanently depowered and locked up in prison while Azula is driven to a psychological meltdown and gets locked up in an asylum. They should be grateful Aang isn't like Alucard from ''Hellsing''- overpowered, invincible, remorseless and sociopathic or else Ozai and Azula would have been quickly turned into piles of dog shit on the ground.
Anonymous23: @Anonymous: These are wise words. Well said, heavily agreed. Good thing is I am the 24th individual who posted. Hope you have a good stay here on this website.
Anonymous24(3): @Anonymous: He was just a kid who hadn’t even reached puberty yet and already the world was expected of him. I’m sorry he wasn’t born “a man” and had to learn, grow, develop and accept the responsibilities and repercussions of his mistake throughout the series. He also tries to make up for his mistakes as well. Also he’s a person of integrity who believes in a solution without compromising his beliefs instead of giving in to peer pressure, doing what everyone told him he needed to do and take a life. The fire lord was also relying on the comet for his power at that moment, I’m sure he’s a dangerous man without it but I doubt he could withstand the turning tide.
And Zuko had his own ship to command and his uncle who was an experienced leader that actually cared for him supporting him most of the time.
I can see that you’ve at least watched the series but it’s doubtful if you ever really “got it”. I’m sure Batman refusing to kill even someone who seems unlikely to improve or change their ways because he’s staunchly opposed to crossing that line makes him a batpussy to you or something. If only everyone was a sociopath like the Punisher, right?
Anonymous25(1): @Anonymous: No i do not mean that everyone should be sociopaths like the Punisher, but what pacifists like Aang when it comes to kill & not to kill is that, they like any other pacifists do is that they allways force & makes others die for them as they when the time comes is not ther to help others with the war, they refuse to save my life if that means taking anothes life of the enemy team, who tha hell want to be a member of that team. If that Lion Turtle Ex Macian hadn't have showne up, Aang wouldn't have killed Ozai & Ozai would have killed Aang & the War would have been lost.
Anonymous26: This series ended 10 years ago, however people are still whining about it. The villains Azula, Ozai, Zhao, etc are defeated while Aang, Katara and the other heroes won, you gotta deal with it.
Anonymous27(1): @Anonymous: Azula yes, Ozai no because without the Lion Turtle Ex Macian giving Aang energybending at the end, he wouldn't have killed Ozai wich means that Ozai would have killed him & who is Zhao now again? All i wanted to say was the fact that Soy-Boy Aang has les backbone than a jellyfish & is a bleeding heart cuckhold.
Anonymous28: Whatever flaots your boat, the series ended- heroes triumphed, villains end up defeated. However people like you still whine about the ending. Geez, you are taking a stupid cartoon from a decade ago way too seriously and have made a stupid long rant on a porn drawing. This makes me wish Beerus or any planet-destroying villain would blow up the Avatar world to make people stop whining about it and end stupid debates. Go to another picture and quit being obsessed with stalking this drawing. The end.
Anonymous31: Anonymous1 Does it look to you that anybody else gives a shit about this besides you? This is a stupid cartoon that ended 10 years ago, but you are obsessed over it and stalk this drawing every free hour of your life talking about stupid things which nobody cares about besides you. Hey don't you have other porn drawings to fap at, or a job and real life to attend? People got financial problems, health, family and other things to worry about to worry about instead, however you are wasting everybody's time here about this drawing and stupid cartoon that has long ended.
Anonymous32: @Anonymous: agreed. Hope there's more aang x azula to piss off this moron who started all this mess because "herp derp sad boy zuko needs to impregnate his own sister" pathetic cunt. Aang is the hero and always will with this fact bitch
Anonymous33(1): @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: All of you 3 is the same awfull stupid VPN using fag! It was all of you who started this, i stated the truth & you got mad about this, yes all of you & are the same fag. Hoestly, get circumcised, raped & beaten the ever living shit out of, that way you may learn to behave, properly. If that not help, throw yourself into a lava lake & rid the world of 1 useless VPN fag.
Anonymous34(1): Also i just want to state for anyone eles, that the VPN using anon engaged with me & i preserve the right to defend myself form unjust fagging.
Anonymous35: @Anonymous: Bullshit, Anon 1 is am oron but Aang without Avatar power mode is not overpowered, and wouldn't even come close to Alucard even as the biggest sociopath possible.
Didn't you watch she show, Azula was dominating any fight with him until he got saved by the plot, he couldn't even catch her as she had no bending powers, and Ozai is supposed to be even stronger than Azula.
Anonymous36: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: Azula would kick Aang's ass without his avatar powers, but he is using them in the picture like the glowing tatoos show.
Anonymous37: This would make a great hentai drawing- Alucard from ''Hellsing'' kicking Azula's ass then raping her with his demonic powers before he kills and eats her.
Anonymous38(1): @Anonymous: Look here, all i am saying is the fact here ok. 1 I never said the Avatar state was OP, 2 even with the Avatar state minus the ability to energybend, her would have lost because he as the Soyboy he is won't complete the job. 3 Zuko with the power to ben all of the 4 elements + powered by the Avatar state would dominate Anng like a bitch.
Anonymous39: @Anonymous: That's a great idea that has to be drawn and posted. Alucard from ''Hellsing'' raping and killing all the Avatar charaters will make the retarded fanbrats shut up. I am sick and tired of people replying here and continuing a stupid rant about a retarded cartoon that ended 10 years ago, creating stupid conversations that nobody cares about plus being triggered over a stupid drawing of a dumb cartoon. Geez, end this dumb conversation already and get a life instead of wasting everybody's time on this hentai drawing.
Anonymous45: @Anonymous: Aang couldn't even touch Azula, as the Sun eclipse took her bending away. He was not just a pacifist, he was also not a good enough fighter without the help of the other Avatars.
That's disturbingly the exact final words your whore mother said before I raped her, cut off her head and splooged all over her dead corpse. >:D
And Zuko had his own ship to command and his uncle who was an experienced leader that actually cared for him supporting him most of the time.
I can see that you’ve at least watched the series but it’s doubtful if you ever really “got it”. I’m sure Batman refusing to kill even someone who seems unlikely to improve or change their ways because he’s staunchly opposed to crossing that line makes him a batpussy to you or something. If only everyone was a sociopath like the Punisher, right?
Didn't you watch she show, Azula was dominating any fight with him until he got saved by the plot, he couldn't even catch her as she had no bending powers, and Ozai is supposed to be even stronger than Azula.