Anonymous5: @Anonymous: So what? Fandoms ignores characters canon sexualities all the time when it comes to shipping and porn all the time. Are you somehow NOT aware of the numerous gay/lesbian ships out there between two completely straight people? If people can easily just ignore or erase a character's heterosexuality for the sake of personal entertainment, then why shouldn't other sexualities succumb to this as well?
All I'm saying is that it ain't a big deal. People aren't refusing to acknowledge that Alastor is asexual, it's just that his sexuality isn't gonna stop the fans from making what they wanna see. That's how fandoms work, deal with it.
But it won't stop shippers to ignore his sexuality smfh
All I'm saying is that it ain't a big deal. People aren't refusing to acknowledge that Alastor is asexual, it's just that his sexuality isn't gonna stop the fans from making what they wanna see. That's how fandoms work, deal with it.