Anonymous1: Nezuko is really hot and got a nice demon body. I don't mind Nezuko turning me in to a demon with some of her demon blood in my dick. She is really hot as hell. I don't care if i get bacteria, sex disease or demon blood in me and in my dick. I will fuck her so hard.
Anonymous3: I don't know a whole lot about this anime, but that doesn't look like a child. If you're imagining her as one, maybe your imagination should be in prison.
Anonymous5: Children don't have tits that big. You know what else children don't have? Pixels and lineart.
If you think a representation of something is the same as the real thing just because has superficial similarities, I'd be happy to trade you my monopoly money for your US dollars.
If you think a representation of something is the same as the real thing just because has superficial similarities, I'd be happy to trade you my monopoly money for your US dollars.