Anonymous7: Why do people complain about this picture when actual black women are being fucked racially on ghetto gaggers? Also if korra was white saying pet cracker I'd hope people would still think it's stupid.
Anonymous12: Lmao the lil dicked nazi's got mad at the SHITTED pictures? Just post big dick white dudes fucking black or brown bitches and go about your day.
Anonymous16(15): Holy shit!? It did! Also if black people are allowed to fetishize breeding out the white race, then everyone else can do raceplay too. Id say and extinction fetish is far more racist than just roleplay.
Anonymous17: Anon12 stop beeing racistical, you are no better than this guy who made this picture, and someone who mentions small dicks so often must have the smalles of all of em, you know.
Anonymous18: @Anonymous: But Korra IS an attractive and successful African, and her mom was an attractive and successful African. So does that means she hates herself?
Anonymous19: Fucking normies triggered about the picture, but they're not triggered about literally any other pictures, especially if Christianity is being mocked, but pray you don't post a picture about nazis/attractive and successful Africans because sjws go ape shit. Your end will come, subhuman scum!
Anonymous27: first off korra isnt even black
second- im not even sure if this is a kink or a weird coincidence, but i dated a black girl for about 3 years and she was very into very "racist?" stuff in the bedroom and would really get into the idea of slave / master stuff and was super into nazi and white supremacy kinks- believe it or not it was a very amazing relationship, but i ended up breaking up with her when the idea of kids were brought up and she insisted they were raised with a lot of "those" ideas- i really didnt want my son or daughter growing up with any negativity like that especially from their own mother- wherever she is i hope shes okay and part of me still very much loves her- but yeah, now im really wondering if this is actually a real fetish or something?
@bonslee: Oh. Nazi's mad. :)
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Sad lil white puppies
They edited the script. If you type Black'ed it turns into SHITTED...CLEVER...FUNNY LMAO.
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Also, she's Inuit.
second- im not even sure if this is a kink or a weird coincidence, but i dated a black girl for about 3 years and she was very into very "racist?" stuff in the bedroom and would really get into the idea of slave / master stuff and was super into nazi and white supremacy kinks- believe it or not it was a very amazing relationship, but i ended up breaking up with her when the idea of kids were brought up and she insisted they were raised with a lot of "those" ideas- i really didnt want my son or daughter growing up with any negativity like that especially from their own mother- wherever she is i hope shes okay and part of me still very much loves her- but yeah, now im really wondering if this is actually a real fetish or something?