Anonymous1: You don't just fuckin' change the proper tag on a picture to a simplified one because you feel like it's a good idea, now this one won't be organized with the rest of the 'Cassandra' tags. Plus on r34 pictures tend to always use a characters true, full name.
EkonBokon: @LessThanDesirable: Not entirely true, if you look at the Overlook characters. They're tagged as the codenames they're known as, not Lena Oxton or Angela Ziegler. Yes, Catherine's "real name" is Cassandra, but even when you learn that her character remains Catherine. It doesn't change.
Anonymous2(1): Too lazy to login. Look, you can’t just remove an established tag and replace it with a brand new one you just invented. If you really fuckin must have the catherine tag, add it but don’t remove the cassandra tag. And I’m pretty sure an admin would agree with me here.
Anonymous3(1): Unless you wanted to nuke the cassandra tag altogether, though that makes no sense, every other three houses character has their full name on their tag, why not cassandra too?
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