Anonymous11: "According to JK Rowling, they did imagine correctly."
No, JK Rowling wrote about Hermione's pale and white face, in various points in the books. Also if Hermione had been actually black in the books, it would have been horribly racist of JKR to deliberately avoid mentioning it there -- she had no qualms about mentioning Dean or Angelica or Shacklebolt to have been black, but she avoids mentioning it in-text in regards to the main character? Horribly racist of JKR.
It's fine to reimagine characters as being of different genders or races, I'm fine with reimagining Hermione as black or whatever other race, but don't try to bloody gaslight us that it was that way it had always been intended in the books. In the books Hermione was clearly intended to be a white girl.
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No, JK Rowling wrote about Hermione's pale and white face, in various points in the books. Also if Hermione had been actually black in the books, it would have been horribly racist of JKR to deliberately avoid mentioning it there -- she had no qualms about mentioning Dean or Angelica or Shacklebolt to have been black, but she avoids mentioning it in-text in regards to the main character? Horribly racist of JKR.
It's fine to reimagine characters as being of different genders or races, I'm fine with reimagining Hermione as black or whatever other race, but don't try to bloody gaslight us that it was that way it had always been intended in the books. In the books Hermione was clearly intended to be a white girl.