Anonymous1: Others Steven are stopping this situation, instead of fixing world. Steven you deserve more sexual squeezers Connies. Sugar = Pain (Tragedy,terror,nightmare,etc). Sucrose (less sugar) * fat = Rule34. Grease = Heaven + ?(other ingredient) sorta.
Anonymous6(1): i am a good anonymous. Steven without her mom and Connie. Rule34 codify heaven (details). (all naked) if not Steven without her mom and Connie... Others Steven no so...
Anonymous7(1): realistic toons are weird, why not real life? (details) destroy Compton because the action movie is fun and the island or have fun civilized. Thrust me
Anonymous9(1): Rebecca is sending all Roses/Stevens to THE ISLAND (i hope not!, but). hell and heaven.and other babyloonies need tomahawked mc-sugar, fix this world sugar is fun have the opportunity, please.
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Why are you crying so damn loudly?
You remind me of my younger self.