Jefferson_Negus: Animation by darkholestuff, sound by me, full resolution here:!tJVVBKID!7S-NHwQivZBmclL-ijcSQQ There is also a music version, greetings from Vice City ;)
the_last_can: @Jefferson_Negus:
> Source Link: P A T R E O N/darkholestuff/posts
> Every post is patreon exclusive 1-15 dollars
Uh, Jeff, great sound edit and all but I'm not sure this is how Patreon works..
- Reply
- Reply
> Source Link: P A T R E O N/darkholestuff/posts
> Every post is patreon exclusive 1-15 dollars
Uh, Jeff, great sound edit and all but I'm not sure this is how Patreon works..