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lorik: Is that ron doing ginny ?
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Anonymous1: Didn't understand it either. Is it Fleur and Bill wedding?
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Titanium: I think it must be ron and ginny because they are both redheads... and the artist is a well-known harry potter artist and is careful about details like that.
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lorik: And That's Harry down on the street with Hermione ,I think.
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lorik: But I think the time fram , Bill and Fleur's wedding , Is right ...Ginny is in her Brides maids gown and Ron Is in formal robes.
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lorik: It Is the wedding ,Thats not a street thats the garden party , just before or after the wedding.
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lizard: But if this is the wedding, Harry shouldn't look like Harry. He was polyjuiced into a random ginger.
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Arakel: Maybe it's Ginny and Harry's wedding.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Arakel has it: just before G+H. Harry's wondering just when his bride is going to show up, while Ron's getting some last-chance nookie with Ginny.
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Anonymous2: And Hermione is wondering if she should have given Ron that blowjob he asked for that morning.
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Anonymous3: Hmm, lizard has a point. That ginger person could be Harry, but then who's that in the street?
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Anonymous4: It's Bill and Fleur's wedding!
Fleur is half Vorla and has some 'aura'
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Anonymous5: ^ that shit's true
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aelfwine: Glockgal's, not reallycorking's.
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Anonymous6: ITS A DRAWING OF TWO PEOPLE FUCKING. Does it really need to make sense?
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Anonymous7: or, seeing the time frame, you could assume that it is actually Fleur and Bill
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Anonymous8: Who is the well known artist that made this? I'd love to find more, this is fantastic
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Anonymous9: Has anyone not noticed the obvious yet lol? the tag on the picture has the chars: ron, harry, hermione and ginny... kinda no need for speculation on the topic.
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Anonymous10: I don't get it
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Anonymous11: incest is wincest
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Anonymous12: You are all idiots it's bill and his wife to before the wedding
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Anonymous13: Too bad the tags say otherwise...
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Anonymous14: I think (and going by the tags) it's Harry in disguise and Ginny at Bill and Fleur's wedding. The guy waiting outside (who, granted, could be harry) could also be Remus, or any other dark-haired wedding guest. In the end it doesn't really matter, impressive art.
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Anonymous15: Where's Ron, if the ginger with Ginny isn't him?
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AlexSkullUterna: @Anonymous: He's in front of Harry.

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