192168: Now we are getting somewhere. Looks way nicer than all your other pictures.
You really improved the line art. The best part is that Lindas pussy looks very good (although the clit is missing, but that is debatable). So you got the main-action covered. And what really sold it was your coloring. Looks like the show and while it is not too complex really sells the picture.
Now you might get a few complains about Lindas tits hanging. But then again it is Linda we are talking about so that fits the character.
The only two problems I can see are rather minor. For one Lindas left leg that just ends in a stub. Which no one would have seen but now that I have mentioned it no one can unsee. And the fact that the dildo is just sitting there. I mean it is not really a strap-on or a double dildo. So what is it doing there on Helen?
Fickle: @192168: i spent alot of time on this one was just wanted to be done with it. so the idea was it being a double dildo and wasnt sure how to sell the idea with out resurching dildos lol
192168: One last thing, you are using the tag system a little bit wrong: paheal only uses one well defined tag per character. So you should not tag the picture "Linda" when there is a "Linda_Belcher" tag. You may tag yourself as "Fickel" but you may not tag things like "color" since Paheal only tags shows, artists and characters. So you should only tag that.
It is true that there a few special tags like Rule_63, featured_image, crossover and comic. These tags are there to cover a special function of the system. Like the tag comic that covers for the failing rule34c system. Do not worry with them. You should only use them when everybody else is using them.
Just look at the number to figure out if the tag is in used. And be careful, these special tags have special meaning. For example: never tag something featured_image, you will only get featured if the image fits the criteria.
TLDR; tag only shows, artists and characters. Use only one tag for each! Check if you use the right tag by checking if many other users use the tag.
192168: @Fickel: Time well spend. You can see the quality. And since this is your third picture and given that you only had 2 days since you last picture I reckon you are very fast at doing this. Seriously, drawing takes days.
Fickle: @192168: it may take me sometime to really learn the tag system please be patient with me and as for the 2 days i dont work i have issues so i have alot of free time im a loser in the rat race of the world and thank you for all your advice it has helped alot
192168: @Fickel: Don't beat yourself up. And don't say stuff like that about yourself. Go for a walk, learn new stuff and improve yourself. You will be alright.
Also the tag system was always strange. It makes sense since this is just a rule34 thing but you can't really find a specific picture with it. So a lot of people don't get it.
You really improved the line art. The best part is that Lindas pussy looks very good (although the clit is missing, but that is debatable). So you got the main-action covered. And what really sold it was your coloring. Looks like the show and while it is not too complex really sells the picture.
Now you might get a few complains about Lindas tits hanging. But then again it is Linda we are talking about so that fits the character.
The only two problems I can see are rather minor. For one Lindas left leg that just ends in a stub. Which no one would have seen but now that I have mentioned it no one can unsee. And the fact that the dildo is just sitting there. I mean it is not really a strap-on or a double dildo. So what is it doing there on Helen?
- Reply
It is true that there a few special tags like Rule_63, featured_image, crossover and comic. These tags are there to cover a special function of the system. Like the tag comic that covers for the failing rule34c system. Do not worry with them. You should only use them when everybody else is using them.
Just look at the number to figure out if the tag is in used. And be careful, these special tags have special meaning. For example: never tag something featured_image, you will only get featured if the image fits the criteria.
TLDR; tag only shows, artists and characters. Use only one tag for each! Check if you use the right tag by checking if many other users use the tag.
- Reply
Also the tag system was always strange. It makes sense since this is just a rule34 thing but you can't really find a specific picture with it. So a lot of people don't get it.