Anonymous6(3): @Anonymous4 How bout this: You fuck your mom’s dad while you suck your dad’s dad while your dad jerks off on your face? Also nice spelling you taco-eating twat.
Anonymous7(2): @Anonymous: Hahaha you are so funny, listen to me if you continue, I'll catch you and I'll fuck you so hard I can't walk anymore, you know? Tell me, you're bi or straight?
Anonymous9(3): @Anonymous7 I must applaud your stupidity because your grammar/english is absolutely terrible you taco-eating twat and I’m straight, you on the other hand are obviously a gay-paedophile-rapist because you’re actually saying your going to track me down and have your way with me and that makes you a rapist, also you asked if the artist/uploader could make one with Kid Gohan, is that how you get your nugget balls off? Jacking off to kids being abused? You need chemical-castration and putting down, see ya later, freak.
Anonymous13(3): @Anonymous12 Nah. Did you ever have a DNA test done to see if your grandpa is your real dad and fucked your momma? How bout you stop leaping to your boyfriend’s defence and kill yourself?
-TrollollolAnon 😂✌️