Anonymous6: hahaha chris hanson... Shouldnt there be some lemonaid? You know if you think about it. every single episode has the girl saying... "I'll be right out. there is some coolaid/lemonaid on the table.. That should be an automatic ringer to scram
Anonymous8: I'm pretty sure that's either On Ji or that Maiko child from that fancomic plus4chan is making. If so, that would make the guy Sokka, not Hakoda. But it really looks like Hakoda to me.
Santtu: "oh yea the girl is some random person, but some said she kinda looks like that one girl On Ji (sp?) from the Fire Nation school in episode 2 of Season 3. So you can go with that :P"
Anonymous14: Oh wow I remember the episode with the mexican guy who wanted to get the little girl to have sex with the cat. The girl told him him take off all his clothes and Chris had him sit down for the video naked.
Anonymous16: "So you're naked, there's a 14 year old girl, you're chasing a cat around and you've got Cool Whip and you want this girl to do some sex act with the cat and then you'll have sex with her. Is that accurate?"
Anonymous17(16): "So you're naked, there's a 14 year old girl, you're chasing a cat around and you've got Cool Whip and you want this girl to do some sex act with the cat and then you'll have sex with her. Is that accurate?"
Anonymous18: chris hanson locks up pedos so he can have all the little girls to himself.
...or maybe he wants little boys and thinks straight sex is sick
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...or maybe he wants little boys and thinks straight sex is sick
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When did that happen? This is Avatar: The Last Airbender, not Naruto or Fullmetal Alchemist or something.