Anonymous5: I'm I the only one bothered by how unexpected he choose to stay with her ? Like in a matter of seconds, bam ! I don't want to go with you guys. And the other toys are completly ok with this. It's not like they made everything they can to get him back in Toy Story 2.
Anonymous6: @Anonymous: It was foreshadowed from the very beginning. Not unexpected at all. He didn't leave the first time because Andy liked him. Bonnie doesn't, so ofcourse he would stay with Bo-Peep.
Anonymous11: You know woody knows where they live right? If anything if he truly misses them he can attempt to hitch a ride there somehow.. either way I did NOT expect bo’s ass to be thick
Anonymous13(8): @dennisandmooch: So wait. You don't think she looked like (or close enough to) that under her dress in the first movie? And Andy didn't look good in the third?
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Andy became hunky and Bo got more sexy.
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Possibly because she is not buttoned up like she was.