Anonymous3: @Anonymous2 Just passing and saw your homophobic message and thought I should put you in your place. STFU you cock-sucking hillbilly-ass-licking son of a meth head bitch, the character in question would bend you over and shove his long dick in your ass, also you fuck your dad so you’re kind of a hypocrite since that is considered gay and not to mention incest.
Anonymous4: You triggered libtards are going to be the end of the white race. Anonymous2 is probably a respectable man, who is smart enough to know that jewelery is for women, or faggots like you.
Anonymous5: I love how people specifically click on gay/no female pics just to complain, lol. Makes for some decent light reading to eat some popcorn to. Btw, sublime jewelery, which are things both male and females have worn throughout the ages. But I guess scrolling through porn all day doesn't provide for good education.
Anonymous7: That's all you can say, because you don't have a valid argument? Go suck your dad off so he can pay for your male to female surgery, cuck boy.
Anonymous8(7): @Anonymous: I tagged Ganondorf so I could be in awe at the amount of gay shit there is on normal topics. I'm not a degenerate who gets off to putting their popcorn butter covered fingers up their ass to characters in kids games. But, you're still right. I'm going to stop worrying about how many liberals are going to passive aggressively reply to what I say.
"This is a giant cock."