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Uploaderdisfeelings, avatar
TagsDeltarune, Ralsei, kentowan
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Info1200x1200 // 839KB // png
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Anonymous1: 1,2, oatmeal
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bruhmomentum7890: god ralsei is such a cutie
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: Ralsei is a fluffy boy
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Anonymous3: It’s well done but both Ralsei outfit and proportions look girly no that’s not a bad thing in fact I prefer the interpretation of him as a girl it’s just them having a drink it’s just weird With f those portions
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Anonymous4(3): I also find it weird how four of the pictures have the kind of spiky Jaw yet the middle picture has just a normal person find out when my favorite but it’s weird how it’s like that for one picture but not the rest
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Anonymous5: @bruhmomentum7890: yes he is HOWEVER this makes him look like a fucking sex craving goat and I understand this is a nsfw website but still I don’t think this is right but other than the image being him sitting on a....wait a minute*looks at ball and squints eyes*what the fuck even is that? A fucking yoga sex toy? Has nobody seriously questioned what the actual fuck that is?? I’m getting off topic the point is it’s ok to make this stuff as long as it doesn’t get too out of hand... just sayin \_(._.)_/

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