Anonymous1: OK, so you're not gonna listen ay? Just continue to make fucked up porn images of anthropomorphic trains? You know what? If you continue to make fucked up porn images of anthropomorphic trains, I will personally BASH YOUR FUCKING BRAINS IN, You hear me? Oh and your probably what I like to call a TRAINFUCKER!!! Have a nice nice day FUCKTARD!!!! - Pete Marsh
nobody_home165: @Anonymous: its rule 34, yaknow? where there is porn of EVERYTHING? besides, why do you keep coming back if you hate it so much? hiding something, Pete?
Anonymous7: @nobody_home165 I am NOT hiding something you IDIOT, I was only pointing out that this is downright disgusting and if you decide to have a wank to this then, your sick! That's all i'm saying. - Pete Marsh
if you cant Handel it fucking Ignore it