Anonymous2: @Anonymous: Is that all you can say? Really? Every picture of Rey, you have to talk about Crylo Ren? You're fundamentally wrong of course. By the end of Episode IX, I promise you, Crylo will be killed. Dead. No more. Off the twig. Kicked the bucket. Shuffled off the mortal coil. Run down the curtain and joined the friggin' choir invisible. In short, an EX-person!
Anonymous4(2): @Anonymous: Really? Endgame? In what way is Reylo endgame? Did Rey leave with Kylo at the end of Episode VIII? No, she left him in the dust. And it's going to end with Kylo dead in Episode IX, I promise you. There is no semblance that Rey loves Kylo and even if Kylo loves her, it's a one sided love. He's a MONSTER and she HATES him!
Little_Gemini21: It would be a great pleasure to fuck the gorgeous Daisy Ridley's butt, especially if she wears one of Rey's outfits. Preferably the light and dark gray one, that outfit looks really nice. ♊
Anonymous7: Well shit you little fucks, rey DID indeed had love for kylo and anonymous4(2) here is talking about how rey hates him, you’re fucking wrong
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