VG05: Seems canon without the game forcing the pkayer to assume the NCR is good. Please, Mr. House was obviously a better choice in the end, or even Independent. But both Legion and NCR were the same in many ways.
Anonymous5: Anarchy is only if you decide not to use the massive army of murderbots to keep order.
Remember, even the NCR and Legion won't screw with that. And even then, you can tell the NCR, "Look. Just.. let us use the dam the right way, pay some caps, and go on about your business. Plus, we can have it running at full efficiency 24/7, more power for everyone."
Anonymous8: Literally all of New Vegas’s endings are bad in one way or another. The NCR are corrupt beyond reason and shown to be horribly expansionist(to their own detriment), the Legion enslaves anyone they want and kills everyone else - and as Ulysses pointed out without the NCR to fight, the legion will starve to death on its own aggression, and House is an autocrat only concerned with his own profit and maintaining an old world visage of Vegas. The only really okay ending is independent if you make peace with all the tribes of the Mojave during Wild Card: Side Bets, but even then Yes Man has ALL the power, and he goes off to reprogram his personality, which is just uncertainty for the future as who know when Yes Man will finish, and who he’ll be when he’s finished. This leaves the Courier to Control Vegas as they see fit until then, whether that means humanitarian guidance or unadulterated corruption is to your personal perview.
Anonymous11: "Oh this bitch? She's our new capture. One of our veteran squads captured her during a raid on an NCR camp. Had their way with her too already, so that's the only thing she's good for anymore. Despite her being a degenerate profligate, I'm sure she'll birth us many excellent Legionaries." -Canyon Runner, probably.
PlebeuOcioso: Lmao how these dudes turned an hentai into a political fight? Anon1 tried to be sassy with his homophobic jokes and now everyone is arguing which side of the game is good or bad omg
Otherwise this could be canon ;)
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Remember, even the NCR and Legion won't screw with that. And even then, you can tell the NCR, "Look. Just.. let us use the dam the right way, pay some caps, and go on about your business. Plus, we can have it running at full efficiency 24/7, more power for everyone."
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Original enough for you profligates?
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