Anonymous4: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Wanker_of_Rhyme: Yo wtf @mods, why are these guys allowed to mock a dead person but I can't call an alive person a niqqur
Anonymous5(4): @Wanker_of_Rhyme: Are you retarded? How does that make sense. I was stating that you can make fun of a dead person but I can't say the rated R version of niqqur on this site. What you just said was irrelevant
Anonymous13: He died too it's probably still a tight hole, what a lucky mortician. Too bad corpses can't have a boner, he topped it all the way.
Anonymous18: @Anonymous: same cum inside that tight freckle dead ass an cover his dead freckled face in cum and piss I hope he's in hell getting fucked rough
Anonymous19(18): @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: man yall deserve to be on a so list an rotting in hell with the other fucked up faggots tf is wrong with you
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