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Anonymous1: Is that a Gold Kryptonite ring on her finger? Niceeeee.
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Anonymous2: honestly leetrr would save more time if he just did one version. The black version is far better and more realistic. If a woman has the powers to become a god why on earth would she even mess with anything that wasn't the best. All Power Girl needs is a good black dick to make her happy
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Anonymous3: lmao, attractive and successful African angry no white girls want him
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Anonymous4(2): @Anonymous: can you shut up you stupid fuck
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: fabulous and successful African!
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Anonymous6(2): @Anonymous: wow, that was amazing, got anymore slurs you want to throw out there?
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: You don't get out much, do you?
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: Because she is a white woman of white man. And because a white woman has the 100% right to fuck a white the cock she will cherish and breed to make that as many as she wants as bigger as she wants. Obviously, you don't know what this means because you have yet to discover a black woman exist.
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: I agree top three big cock ranking holders are white males. So Leetrr should stop wasting tim with interracial porn. i mean the genre is so saturated, practically all comics are the same story and sometime even same dialogue.
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: attractive and successful African lover, you will die but no fast and mercyfull death you receive, slow and painfully agony what you get
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Anonymous11: Such edge, so bold.
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Anonymous12: black people are weaklings, why do you think we raped them through the entirety of recorded history #factss
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31inDM4sTeR: Powergirl seems committed to her current task. XD
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Anonymous13: Or, hear me out here, we could stop fetishizing racism. Some fetishes are objectively evil, like loli, beastiality, furry, scat, gore, and of course, racism. Anyone who likes any of these should be beaten to death with a brick.