SluttyCharaDreemurr: Can you both shut up? If you don’t want me to stay anything act your age and don’t criticize people or judge them by opinions, I’m sick of people like realize this is a free world? We can do what we want, we’re not in 1930 or some shit. Get used to it, the present ain’t changing, but it would if you guys kept your comments to yourself or in private messages. Dumbasses
Scrambles: @SluttyCharaDreemurr: You're no better if you keep throwing fire to the situation. Not to mention you also do it with little provocation too you racist douchebag. One click to your comment section and its mostly you throwing tantrums some with reason and others being completely unnecessary. Makes you wonder who's the actual child.
sanstheskelegod: all u idiotic plebians who keep telling each other are just so stupid,u do realise that u dont really get to tell people what to do,its a free wold as chara said and u morodic fools who try to control others will only end up regretting it
Not ever
- Reply
No as I am not a filthy roleplay account
The accounts being asked to be deleted are
I still find it funny
Well I'd love to private message you but how?
Hi scrambles I have a question.
Can you please post your betty art? (They're my favorites)
And how will I regret it