Cook at 350 for 3 1/2 hours or until the nipples get erect. Baste your bird with your juices every 45 minutes. Don't forget to stuff it with a bunch of your stuffing. Gobble Gobble.
Farfegnugen: @Scarface: Rosalynn Carter. This feature has zero to do with her since it's a feature about Thanksgiving, but there's your famous person.
@RocketDog: ... Both of you are pretty damn dense.
Anonymous5: I don't know whether i should start completing its tits and beauty, or start crying out of absolute fear, despite tomorrow being Thanksgiving.
Anonymous10(7): @samuraiidiot: Lol. That was a good game. Zelda games make me think of Christmas and the holidays, because it seemed like I'd always get a Zelda game on Christmas as a child. Damn I miss the good ol days. That thing they say about life hitting you like a ton of bricks when you turn 18 really rung true for me lol. Ten years later and I'm still not fairing a whole lot better lol. Anyway I digress. Hope everyone has a good Holiday and Christmas this year.
Anonymous14(11): @UltimateDestroyer: well the USDA says that "The age of chickens used for meat can vary from 6 weeks to 1 ½ years old. Chickens labeled as "Broiler-fryers" are young, tender chicken about 7 weeks old; "Roasters" are older chicken, about 3 to 5 months old; "Capons" are male chickens about 16 weeks to 8 months old; and "Stewing/Baking Hens" are mature laying hens 10 months to 1 1/2 years old"
Anonymous16: I despise this world. My once pristine dreams of grandeur have been shattered by the reality of degeneracy. The concept of rule34 has taken everything from me. Pornography addiction is the Bane to Man. I know not how long it has been, but the outside world, and the simple theoretical thought of my presence in it; I am conceptually unable to picture it. I have been unable to reach orgasm for the better part of 6 months, yet I know that to masturbate, or not to masturbate is not the question. There is no question. I have been both blessed and cursed to not have developed erectile dysfuntion disorder as of yet. And as such, my plight goes on. I masturbate, therefor I am.
Anonymous18: I despise this cummies. My once pristine dreams of cummies have been shattered by the reality of cummies. The concept of cummies has taken cummies from me. Cummie addiction is the Bane to Cummies.
Anonymous19: Paheal, you know, a solar storm that wipes out the communication systems will be a good world because there will never be any more internet again
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Solar flares/storms hit this planet a lot and the internet is still here. Besides, it mostly fucks with radio/microwaves so the internet might drop for minutes to an hour or two on one side of it. The world will just keep on spinning.
ConsciousDonkey: To site admins: I know old kike political dickheads aren't much of a fapping/shlicking material, but Henry Kissinger died. Still, he'd been the face of american "diplomacy" for decades, so maybe he deserves at least a short feature? After all, Thanksgiving is over.
Anonymous39(19): I live in Hungary, there is no thanksgiving here, but thanksgiving is important Conscious Donkey's user statement, thanks must be given For Henry Kissinger and at the same time for Donald Trump in my personal opinion
Anonymous42: there is a case of never-failing thanksgiving and the turkey also tickled my fancy It's a delicious idea that I should be a chef who attracts women.
Anonymous49: @Anonymous: I only recently learn about it. But it seem like you’re right. Why push holiday about the slaughter of America’s indigenous people to other places? There is indigenous tribe of Taiwan in my heritage, but I don’t expect everybody celebrate Ili’sin in the summer.
Anonymous55(42): I live in Hungary and the Digi cable TV service provider has an HD cooking TV ado Digi converted to MPEG4 format I can almost see the atomic particles of the food in the cooking shows in pure MPEG4 and happy thanksgiving santa claus christmas combination holidays boys and girls
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Cook at 350 for 3 1/2 hours or until the nipples get erect. Baste your bird with your juices every 45 minutes. Don't forget to stuff it with a bunch of your stuffing. Gobble Gobble.
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@RocketDog: ... Both of you are pretty damn dense.
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or even better, tons of guys ejaculate inside and your girlfriend eat it
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Nothing will unfuck the thanksgiving turkey
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