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Anonymous1: Stop with this gay shit. That's disgusting...
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Anonymous2: I agree with anonymous 1
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Anonymous3: Firstly I like it it’s good secondly if you think it’s gross then click off the video like any intelligent person idiots
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Anonymous4: More with the gay shit! It's wonderful!
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boodlyboo: Oh boo fucking hoo anon 1 you're only mad because you're balls deep in the closet.
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Anonymous5: O Maoh King é o dono da arte, eu que editei e criei o script para este video. Se você gostou pode me seguir no meu twitter para mais videos como este: @FAnimationyaoi
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Anonymous6(5): Maoh King is the owner of the art, I edited and created the script for this video. If you liked you can follow me on twitter for more videos like this: @FAnimationyaoi
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Anonymous7: Anonymous3:boodlyboo: gay ass motherfukers y'all need help
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: All homophobes on the planet need help
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Anonymous9: Dear: Retards

Anyone arguing over porn, with people they don't know and will never meet, need to just not fucking breed. I have seen so many butthurt people commenting on this website.
Stfu, bust a nut/ovary, and be on with your day of being waste of genetic materials while lying to yourself about your supposed importance like a normal fucking person. This goes double for those of you who think they can "clap back👏" to some tard raging over porn.
Sincerely yours: Anonymous

P.S. Who the fuck hurt you twat-chocolates?
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BruhButter: Aren't the frames at 1:03 reused from nightlycrumbs?
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Anonymous10: I hope u make one of Ash ketchum with gary or brock then T.K with Tai i hope you do AND NATSU WTH GRAY
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Anonymous11: Maoh King make one the animated with Izuku Midoriya x Ochaco Uraraka or Katsuki Bakugo x Ochaco Uraraka please
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Anonymous12: Maoh king please more DIGIMON OR BAKUGAN
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Anonymous13: Oh, man, if only there was such good homo hentai porn in this world too. Very nicely edited and created video, buddy @Anonymous:
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Anonymous14: Please dont tag charcters in stuff they have half a second in. Im looking for Iida porn, i mean Bakushima is hot and all but i wanna see Tenya's cock. Yah dig?
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traffik: @Anonymous: This site's policy has always been to tag all known characters that appear in the picture/video. We're not going to change that on account of your personal preference.
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Anonymous15: Wow homophobes still exists in 2019. How fucking sad. It's even sadder that they lose their shit like over gay porn since the majority of porn has always been straight. They just couldn't accept the fact that this secretly turns them on.
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Anonymous16: Ofcourse, gay shit is disgusting and being gay is a mental disorder
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Anonymous17(8): @Anonymous: Or you could just mind your own goddamn business. It’s what I do. Trying to stop something gets ya involved in it in most cases.
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ShadesR34: Momo is in o.o8 hahaha
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Anonymous18: This is funny but let's point out the real truth everyone saying it's so disgusting can see it's yaoi art before clicking on it and still click on it, you just a self denying sad little gay man pretending to be straight. If you not into it you wouldn't even be looking at his page much less his art.
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ShadesR34: hey, im here for momo, but she is sleeping :(
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Anonymous19: Excuse me? KiriBaku is pure gold! D: Best ship from that anime.
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Anonymous20: @Anonymous: Being an asshole isn’t though, so what’s your excuse?
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Anonymous21: Why are yall arguing over porn they're literally cartoon people just slap your dick and get on with it lads
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Anonymous22: I LUV THIS ANIMATION AND THE SHIP !!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous23: MachKing is one of the few Yaoi animators that pumps out content consistently, even furriest have more and better animators sadly.
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Pyroking: @Anonymous: I certainly agree it's a fine ship!
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Anonymous24: Everybody here is fucking retarded and I didn't know libtards fap here
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JustNGYES69: why are there so many homophobes on rule 34 why can't we all just fap and get along with each other
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Anonymous25: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: then fucking leave you stupid homophobic fucks, use common sense and if you're gonna go on an adult website, act like an adult fucking childish bitches
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Anonymous26(25): @Anonymous: you're the one that needs help to stop harassing people, luv
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Anonymous27(25): @Anonymous: no, you do whore
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Anonymous28: This homophobes are the ones getting hard watching this whay they call "shit" Hahahahaha
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Anonymous29: Why so much Homophobia?
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Anonymous30: Anonymous 1. A fucking childish hypocrite. This is a porn site. Why did you even comment in this gay shit. Guilty you got a boner, felt guilty, and start hating out of denial? Hahahaha
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Anonymous31: what the fuck is this gay shit
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Anonymous32: @Anonymous: your opinion is immediately thrown in the garbage when you just said "drawer"
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Anonymous33: We need more this i can goon whole day to this

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