HentaiLand: @Anonymous:
What makes you think every adult needs to look like kim kardashian or Lois Griffen
for it to be porn?
I can see why jail birds like you get kill in prison (It's for your own sick good)
Your fuck-ed in the head and another reason the trolls of cartoon porn look like saint's sick O's like you! #WeAreNotWithHim
MS-porn: @Anonymous: still, its not a very smart thing to do going around saying you frick kids, and not everyone is going to agree that its a sickness
- Reply
What makes you think every adult needs to look like kim kardashian or Lois Griffen
for it to be porn?
I can see why jail birds like you get kill in prison (It's for your own sick good)
Your fuck-ed in the head and another reason the trolls of cartoon porn look like saint's sick O's like you! #WeAreNotWithHim
No one, just trolling