Anonymous4: Prin Prin, take a step back
Two mouths, too fat, he's got a shitty attack
Motherfucker, you been smoking crack?
I'll throw my cross at your tummy, make your eye go black, come on
Astaroth, watch your motherfuckin' face go boom
And I got one for your other face too bitch, fuck you
Save Prin Prin and fucking walk out the door
Stupid ass motherfucker, I ain't taking no more
We'll start over where it ended before
My cock, your mouth, armor on the floor
Hope you enjoyed, friends, I'll talk to you soon
Now if you don't mind, I got some fucking to do... see ya!
Also, lol at Arthur's entrance pose.
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Think about that one.
Two mouths, too fat, he's got a shitty attack
Motherfucker, you been smoking crack?
I'll throw my cross at your tummy, make your eye go black, come on
Astaroth, watch your motherfuckin' face go boom
And I got one for your other face too bitch, fuck you
Save Prin Prin and fucking walk out the door
Stupid ass motherfucker, I ain't taking no more
We'll start over where it ended before
My cock, your mouth, armor on the floor
Hope you enjoyed, friends, I'll talk to you soon
Now if you don't mind, I got some fucking to do... see ya!
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