Anonymous17(16): The Pocorn Snake is a singular oddity of the animal kingdom. A nocturnal hunter, it's protective coloration, when coiled, resembles, a pile of buttered popcorn! In it's preferred habitat,(the Cineplex)it's buttery-scented,(and, flavored)venom, give's it's camouflage that extra edge. If you should reach into a barrel of popcorn at the movies, and, feel something warm against y our hand, stroke itsoftly, til you ascertain the position of the head. Now, gripping it, firmly, stroke it, without releasing your grip, from head to rattles(this may take some time). You will feel the snake, expand, buat, do not release your grip, and continue the stroking motion. The snake will go into a semicomatose condition, and, allow you to do as you will(in India, I have seen snakecharmers, take the head of the beast into their mouths, and, had both the snake, and charmer, come out of this situation, unharmed). Now, while in this condition, you will feel a surge in the beast, don't worry, and, if you're able, swallow, or, if you have a cup, collect the venom for later. The venom isn't poisonous, or, harmful, unless injected, or, comes into contact with the eyes. Thank you for your interest, and, next time on WyldLyfe Today, The Neon Delicious Fish; Tastey Treat, One of Mother Nature's Biggest Mistakes, or, Both?
Anonymous19: Aeris is a cat. Cats have claws. As soon as she feels that and realizes what it is, she'll use them. Leo won't like it at all, especially when the salt on the popcorn goes into the wounds. Ouch!
Anonymous56: On Bag: Find a Hot Dog at the bottom of the bag and win a new car! See cashier for details.
Aeris: *reaches in bag* I WON!
Leo: No, I won!
Aeris: What do you mean YOU won?
Leo: =3
Hahaha, I'm so witty.
2: Put your junk in that bag
3: Make her reach in the bag
And that's the way you do it
It's my dick in a bag!
Sexual innuendo.
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2: Put your junk in that bag
3: Make her reach in the bag
4: ????
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(pun intended)
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Leo: my cock :3
Aeris: O_o
She dumped me later that night.
anon 2
anon 3
anon 8
anon 40.
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Aeris: *reaches in bag* I WON!
Leo: No, I won!
Aeris: What do you mean YOU won?
Leo: =3
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