Anonymous4: @Anonymous: you know, there are thousands, if not millions of people who not only were there during the Holocaust, but were victims of the Nazis' cruelty. If you're calling all those people liars, then YOU'RE the one who's ignorant.
Anonymous5: The Holocaust wasn't real because God wouldn't let such a disgusting people off so easy. Jews aren't even human. Satan fucked his mother, and she gave birth to the first pig Kike.
Anonymous14: Fuck yeah, domination and conquest is the truth. Fuck that little Jewish bitch hard and force her to birth legions of German warriors. All Jewish men will be slaves while their women are used as fuck maidens and concubines hehehe WHITE POWER!!
Anonymous17: Jews lie for money. Their Talmud literally tells them to lie to goyim (cattle, subhuman non-jews).
Mass grave? Scan it and find undisturbed soil and go to jail. It's all a huge bullshit story and it rakes in billions of dollars every year. Biggest grift ever.
Want to know about a real holocaust? 80% of the bolshevik government were jewish, higher than that at the top, and they made Christianity punishable by torture and death. They killed 66 million non-jews and somehow the jewish movie industry doesn't make movies about it.
The same religion that says Christ was an evil sorceror and is boiling in feces and semen, and says Christ's mother was a whore, killed 66 million people, mostly Christians, out of pure psychotic hatred.
Same religion that dominated the black slave trade and cotton industry and now tries to blame it on whites.
Same religion that says you can have sex with kids.
Mass grave? Scan it and find undisturbed soil and go to jail. It's all a huge bullshit story and it rakes in billions of dollars every year. Biggest grift ever.
Want to know about a real holocaust? 80% of the bolshevik government were jewish, higher than that at the top, and they made Christianity punishable by torture and death. They killed 66 million non-jews and somehow the jewish movie industry doesn't make movies about it.
The same religion that says Christ was an evil sorceror and is boiling in feces and semen, and says Christ's mother was a whore, killed 66 million people, mostly Christians, out of pure psychotic hatred.
Same religion that dominated the black slave trade and cotton industry and now tries to blame it on whites.
Same religion that says you can have sex with kids.
Same religion that sucks mutilated baby penises.
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