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TagsBreath_of_the_Wild, Legend_of_Zelda, Rito, Thanksgiving, ThroughMyShadow, featured_image
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Pyroking: I'll eat those, but not in the way one thinks.
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Decanter: Happy release week for Hyrule Warriors and/or American Thanksgiving.
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Anonymous1: T H I R D
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DickGuy8719: SAN!
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Anonymous2: SICK I MEAN 6TH
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NoOriginalUserName: Breath of the Wild 2 can't come here soon enough. But I'll wait however long it takes.
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Anonymous3: エイトマン、それは私です
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notmacacos2: go drink your bird milk freaks
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Anonymous4: Can someone make a pie in 3.14 seconds
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HiddenD: But I wanted some dark meat.
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Anonymous5: Another day, another good feature. Thanks, guys!
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Anonymous6: Dibs on the Areolas.
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Puffball: I wondered if there was gonna be a holiday feature for today |3 Nice.
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Violetty: I'll bring the gravy... brb
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Farfegnugen: Sorry PETA, Rule 34 did it first and we did it WAY better.
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Anonymous7: Merry Thanksgiving
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: happy christmas faggot
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Anonymous9: @NoOriginalUserName: i dont want it im tired of hearing about BoTW smh
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jubilation_t_cornpone: A consolation for those not actually having Thanksgiving.
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Anonymous10: happ tankgrimbo even though at the time of typing this its no longer thanksgiving
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Anonymous11: Eat pussy, not tits.
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Lynnbear: huhueheuehueheue 34 score
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Anonymous12: No Maradona feature?
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ConsciousDonkey: @Anonymous: The famous guys just chose bad day to die this year. First Sean Connery died on Halloween, now Diego Maradona on Thanksgiving. And I'm not sure if Maradona is all that well known in USA.
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HiddenD: @Anonymous: A quick use of that handy search feature on this site would tell you there isn't a single R34 picture of him on here.
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ConsciousDonkey: @HiddenD: Huh, you're right. Well, time to fix that, I just posted 3 pics I found around the net:
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Anonymous13(8): have a holly incest jolly rancher mcdonalds pepperidge farm christmas
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HiddenD: @ConsciousDonkey: Are those fakes or official pictures? If they're fakes you need to add the tag.
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Anonymous14: Those are real. He is hung like a 5 year old.
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Anonymous15(8): @Anonymous: hahaha wtf. Im sure your gonna trigger some fake white knights as soon as they see that comment.
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Anonymous16: mmmm turkey legs
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Anonymous17: I expect some milk or I will get mad
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Anonymous18: happy x mas and merry new year
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Hentailicker93: Happy late thanksgiving. LOL
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Anonymous19: isnt thanksgiving all about killing native americans annd stealing their land
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Anonymous20: @Anonymous: well yes but no
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Anonymous21: I gotta say, this is the first time since I started using this website that the pinned pic isn't a cursed horrifying crime against reality.
Kudos to whomever pinned this.
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ConsciousDonkey: @Anonymous: Well yes, technically it is. Honestly, as a foreigner, I find that paradoxical considering the current Black Lives Matter hysteria. But BLM actually explains it in its name - only black lives matter, all others be damned. So nobody gives a shit that Thanksgiving is indirectly about mass murder of some "stinking redskinds." Likewise, nobody gives a shit that USA has been killing hundreds of thousands of "sand attractive and successful Africans" for the last 20 years. To me, it looks like these people simply didn't have the "right" skin color, so their mass murder is OK and can be even celebrated. Now personally, I couldn't care less, but what I find absolutely bewildering is that even crybaby snowflake american liberals are OK with that. Oh well, there's no point in trying to find logic in politics, I guess.
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Anonymous22: Haha I gotta comment before this blows up
Iz Da Thanksgiving new year bitches
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Anonymous23: Birds don't have boons she must've gotten surgery
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Anonymous24: SO BASED
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @ConsciousDonkey: "only black lives matter"

They aren't actually saying that. The whole point of the movement is that so many people BEHAVE as if black lives don't matter. The fact that white lives matter is assumed. By everyone, even most black people. So there is no reason to explicitly say it.

That guy who was sleeping in a fast food drive-thru is a perfect example. He wound up being dead. Because, you know, sleeping in a drive thru is a capital offense.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Also: Yeah, the guy was running away. Wouldn't it have been a lot simpler to just let him go and impound his car? That would have been a much bigger punishment than the fine for blocking a drive-thru. Those guys had no common sense whatsoever.
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Anonymous25: ffbi
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Anonymous26(12): Great, now Dave Prowse the original actor for Darth Vader died, 2020 is on a roll.
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Anonymous27: @Anonymous: oh geez, we are so glad we didnt hurt your little feelings.
For sooth, that is why we didnt post anything offensive, cause it would hurt your poor widdle heart.
jubilation BLM is a joke dumbass. its another pogs, Porkyman, or magic the gathering.
Dont bring your fake beliefs in here, you might as well say the world is flat and that you are a feminist.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: LOL, glad we have you to tell us the "way things are". But why not blow it off as nothing? Are you in danger of being arbitrarily killed yourself?
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ConsciousDonkey: @Anonymous: Well, shit. Although to be honest, most people know Vader's voice actor James Jones, not his physical one. It could be a nice feature anyway, there are lots of good Vader pics here.
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rip james earl jones
too late for him let's keep stuffing the turkey
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ConsciousDonkey: @Anonymous: David Prowse died, not James Jones.
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Anonymous29: On nom nom
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Anonymous30: @Anonymous: it was the guy in the suit that died, not the voice
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Anonymous31: I like how everytime an image gets featured, even if the image was uploaded like a decade ago, comments start to flood in even if there weren't any comments before it.
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Anonymous32: @ConsciousDonkey: "Honestly, as an african-trans-agender super liberal muslim... Glory to dear Hitler. Sieg heil." That's how you sound, dumbshit. Fuck your garbage opinions, especially on a website where its main usage is to splooge.
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Anonymous33(27): @jubilation
nooe cause I dont protest on freeways, sleepnin drive thrus, attempt to stop vehicles weighing iver 2 tons and moving over 45mph. I also go to work, leaving me little else to fo, besides taking care of stepkids and occasional fucking. not fucking the kids, but their mom. BLM is a joke. If you BLM rrally gave a shit they would change the unpopular black person role in life...not just the one that grabs news headlines. where were they when that black cpo got shot? what about that crap when the black kids got shot by a white dude, BLM got a bunch of donatiobs, then it was later found out that it was a gang drive-by. done by, you guessed it, black guys. If your movement ever actually accomplished something, then it would be taken seriously...most ofbus lump BLM with the flatearthers. do your research before spouting more crap.
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Anonymous34(27): jesus fuck, its hard to text while cooking breakfast apparently. Well, sorry, if you can't understand it, too fucking bad.
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Anonymous35: @Anonymous: agreed, I cant understand what you are trying to say. Are you saying that A36 is responsible for taking down your princess peach/amongus/arthur read slashfic? That sucks dude. I guess your whole world is over. Maybe you can write a new fanfiction about rat turds later?
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Anonymous36: kfc
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Anonymous37: ffs feature something that isint dogshit for once fuck sakes this is literally unfapable theres nothing to the image its just outright disapointing to my dick, and that rule34 is where you should feel shame shame for making my dick sad
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Anonymous38: As the 50th anon, I can speak for everyone here by saying what the fuck happened. This turned into a literal catastrophe.
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Anonymous39: Where's the nearest cliff guys?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: Similar comments appear on EVERY feature. No matter what it is, or how good/bad it is, SOMEBODY will piss and moan about it.
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Anonymous40: @Anonymous: Your dick was already sad because of an inferiority complex.
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Anonymous41: I've always wondered what a beak blow job would look like tbh lol
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Anonymous42(22): My god it's been 2 years(or idfk) but holy fuck this really shitted itself and clusterfucking became a commenting shittalking hellscape
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Anonymous43: why aren't there extra gold hearts, that's a pretty big dish.
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MultiGamerClub: Cool.
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Anonymous44: How is it that a drawing of the many that there are in this place became a battlefield XD
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Anonymous45: Imma eat her the way that she doesn't die
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Anonymous46: Hot
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Anonymous47: this comment section is a fucking wreck
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Anonymous48(38): I guess you live up to your name, you sick freak.
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Anonymous49: ID EAT DAT
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Anonymous50(49): Ew
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Anonymous51(49): Why
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Anonymous52: Yall idiots arguing on the horny bird art
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Anonymous53: h
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: nooe cause I dont sleepnin drive thrus

If you did, would you be likely to die because of it? Last I heard, sleeping in drive thrus was not a capital offense. But it was treated as one in that case. I pointed out a trivially easy solution to that situation where there was no confrontation at all, never mind a lethal one.
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Anonymous54: kill attractive and successful Africans
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Anonymous55: Who would eat those breasts in their right mind ?! Better to have a breasts suck for dinner every day to leave it dry and replace the next day to suck them again.
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Anonymous56: This isn't even hot why is it overly advertised
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Anonymous57: This is (one of) the most stupid pieces of art I’ve ever seen
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Anonymous58: @Anonymous: the only exuse that i think of its because of the new Hyrule Warriors game but still i don't hear many people talk about it
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Anonymous59: *chomp*
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: Thank you very much for that enlightenment. Now we need a dissertation on economics. After that nuclear physics. All topics that are pertinent to turkey tits.
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Anonymous60: @Anonymous: thanks man i had a chem quiz coming up this is real useful
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Anonymous61: @HiddenD: Actually, Turkey has both dark meat and white meat
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Jrc126-1: Breath of the turk.
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CreamyThang: @ConsciousDonkey: Its tiresome to argue with people like you who want to see things a certain way on purpose. This is why the whole drama of getting upset over what nonblack people think BLM is all about is losing its fucking luster. You choose to misunderstand the message on purpose when you say only Black lives. And of all trolling and hateful places, you picked a wonderful space on Paheal where nobody really cares and the n word is tossed around harder than a newbie salad in jail. Over and over it has been explained--other lives matter, and they have movements specific to their causes. But if you want to be honest about that, a lot of them get the same crap with the naysayers and "educated" debaters starting mess for attention. Especially women and Native Americans. You, again, want to make it so that BLM says only certain lives matter--not an original argument. Nobody said that. Ever. You reached for it, just as many others have done. It's not a contest to see who matters most, especially when the prize is a nation performing behind hashtags and broken promises for generations. It's a statement that seems to upset the same ppl who say dumb shit like "liberal snowflake". Seems like you lot get your panties in a harder bunch than anyone else. I mean...if you think Black people deserve to be profiled and murdered and brutalized, that's your racist business. Doesn't make it fact. The movement simply states that the lives of Black people matter just as much as anyone else. That's it, give or take the little manifesto on the website. Interesting thing to have a problem with. The "hysteria" comes from living in a fucking nation where treatment is based on the color of your skin, with people denying it at the same time. Not exactly gonna be a sane collective of people. But you know what, I sincerely hope that you never have to face the discrimination you're turning your nose up at, and being critical of ppl who wanna fight back. Just continue being an ass, k?
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Anonymous62: Damn breath of the wild was good but why did you have to make this?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: Congratulations for the only subtle comment in this entire thread.
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Anonymous63: >Be me
>earn zero paper
>yearn for the day I become productive
>on weed one day cuz Depressionfag.wav
>urge to shit occurs
>rush to bathroom
>shit pushing on my intestines
>end my suffering by making it to the toilet
>let out the most rancid biohazardous waste known to man out
>fucking monster shit destroys my ass.mp3
>a sound that can only be rivaled by the bombings of nagasaki and hiroshima erupts the entire way through
>don't even have the strength to wipe ass after that hell
>i cant even describe the pain
>over the horrendous uproar, i failed to notice my 7 year old cousin in the doorway watching me
>Vincent (the little cunt) decides to fucking projectile vomit onto my broken body and pass out
>everyone in my family still fucking makes fun of me 12 years later because of the shitstorm (pun intended) i caused
>ongoing therapy because of depression and this fucking bullshit
>Ok now read the first letter of each line backk
>Mfw i made this story up
>Mfw you read it
>Mfw i posted this on a rule34 of a bird that ppl wanna smash
>Mfw someone probably read this after nutting
>Mfw im proud of you and love you no matter what and that you can do it and i believe in you
>Mfw i did this on rule34 because if your lonely enough to fap to a bird, your lonely enough to be told that someone cares about you
>alright /b/ goodnight, and don't ever forget that if you ever feel lonely, I'm here for you
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: So that you will whine about it.
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Anonymous64: *turkey porn*
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Anonymous65: 105 baby
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Anonymous66: who is this? I looked in the rito tag and this character is not what shows up.
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Anonymous67: Trump was responsible for the holocaust, the Armenian genocide, WW2, the Korean war, the Vietnam War, 9/11, the Arab Spring, the Crusades, the Islamic invasion of Spain, the formation of Israel, he was also responsible for driving the Jews out of Israel in the first place,in fact the Egyptians did nothing wrong; it was Trump who was responsible for enslaving the Jews. Trump is secretly a scaly and one day while he was wearing his snake suit he tricked Eve and told her to eat the apple.
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Anonymous68(40): @Anonymous: Where's Trump's proof? About anything. The number of lies per minute is impossible to calculate.
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Anonymous69: That's a good one. I like ritos
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Anonymous70: Dem tits
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Anonymous71: What the hell is this thread-
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Anonymous72: @Anonymous: 多里梅
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Anonymous73(40): @Anonymous: My first statement was a question. How can that be a lie since it isn't making a statement of fact?

For the second statement, I said the number of lies is impossible to calculate. If that's a lie, then how many have there been? If you come up with the actual number, you admit that he lies.
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Anonymous75(40): @Anonymous: Adam and Eve? You are bringing fictional cartoon characters into a argument about proof? From an ancient book that has talking donkeys and snakes? Prove Adam and Eve. And you accuse ME of not making actual sense? Regarding the shithead-in-chief, he gets CAUGHT in a lie every fifteen seconds. If you think the mainstream news media is lying, do you distrust them during hurricane warnings and other disasters as well? We do agree on one thing. Trump IS a motherfucker.
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Anonymous76(74): @Anonymous: Thanks for the tip, I'll go take a look.
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Anonymous77: @Anonymous: "enslaved the jews"
Then he's a true american hero then, what's the issue here?
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Anonymous78: well that sux
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Anonymous79: @Anonymous: i love you
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Anonymous80(40): @Anonymous: I know it's difficult without a brain, but try to keep up with the conversation. I never said anything about "scaly". Anon 77 did.

I already told you to prove Adam and Eve existed. Simply asserting it again isn't proof.

Of course I know who they were SUPPOSED to be. My childhood was made miserable by religious horseshit, so I probably know it better than you do. But simply claiming they existed doesn't make it true.
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Anonymous81: I’m gay
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jubilation_t_cornpone: I'm Klingon.
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Anonymous82: What the fuck happened in this thread lmao
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Anonymous83: this thread longer than my will to live
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Anonymous84: SUPERFUCK 64
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Anonymous85: wtf is going on in this thread
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ColdFusion: @Anonymous: it's a race from Zelda, my good anon.
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Anonymous86: I want to fuck Santa Clause 🎅
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: 1. a unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate.
2. a particular and separate article, stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, bill, or contract.

Kind of hard to fuck.

Perhaps you meant Claus?
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DickGuy8719: What is the meaning of this?
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Decanter: @HornySimp @DickGuy8719 It's obviously a fuckin' mistake; keep your tits on.
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Anonymous87: Wasn't this already featured? lel
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TrashPirate: Plump Breast Meats back on the menu!
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Rule34_painter: Who's ready for some breast meat,

cuz now she needs a seat
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SpY: @bonerific: Since Titanium wanked away, it's kinda recurring thing....

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