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Anonymous1: why did you leave the bdi tag?
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: due to the nsfw tumblr ban, but I think the reason they didn't join a new platform and return to the tag is bc of some drama that was happening between them and another user in which they were acused of being a pedo and having a minor draw nsfw of bfb, if I read my source correctly, here is the tumblr I got my info from... https://nbdyke-moved.tumblr.com/... (oh and aparently they have/had a discord by the name noop#2379 I was not very sure how to serch people on discord so I was not able to do much tho I'm not even sure If they use discord anymore, as the tumblr was writen a year ago but It's worth a shot I suposes.
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Anonymous3(2): @Anonymous: Tho, don't take my word for it as the reason they might have left the tag could problay be do much simpler, mabey they just wanted to move away from soical media for somthing else, or mabey they moved on from the osc for difrent things thus they might still be posting stuff without us knowing, lots of posabilitys really.
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: battle dream island