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Anonymous1: Anyone know what program this is? And how to get this model?
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Anonymous2: Dude this is amazing can I get a source, please? I’ve commented on every image you posted in this set, hopefully you see one of them. Thank you
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: sorry to tell you, but op is just a reposting account. he/she doesn't know where it's from either.
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Anonymous4(2): @Anonymoues4 could they tell us where they reposted it from?
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=71669822 here it is. u prob need a pixiv account to see it, also sadly there's not much else here, no link to her model, no character card, nothing
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Anonymous6(3): for those who don't want to click the link, the game is called Koitaku. it's by illusion. good work anon 6
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Anonymous7: anything on the character card?