Anonymous6: I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
Rexic137: well its not good but its a hell of a lot better than that terrible derpy one.
that needs to be removed from the site.
quite honestly,all scat,torture and gore should be removed.
save that for gorebuuro or something.
Krawczyk: So i herd it's momma's boy's day in yanktown! I hope ya'll are treatin' her right! The boys here got their ma a pet lizard for 'her' day! Maybe you should get yer mas some friendly little pet too! Just make sure it's one she can accommodate!
Some small and cute and tiny.
Something like
Ponyfagcancer: @Rexic137: Or better yet, remove all need for butthurt and split the site into different boards for straight, gay and fetish, we could call them 34g and 34f.
No moar butthurt.
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: I haven't been on this site all that long so correct me if I'm wrong, but the way I see it is these types of features are like a troll attempt: It is meant to cause people to react emotionally and therefore comment, creating hilarity through the comment section and not through the pic itself.
ChaoticTentacles: Well, I just think this needs more detail on the face. The faces are pissing me off. And what the hell is that in her boob in the third scene an arm?
Anonymous25: he copypastad it from somewhere else, I don't think he's mentally capable of neatly putting together such a collage. Bottom left pics make me hard
ChaoticTentacles: @Vaporeon: Meh needs more detailed artwork, other than that it's not really porn and not too bad. Gotta respect a man who could punch a hole in a pony.
Anonymous28: This has always been /b/. The only difference is that people still feel offended by gore, whilst /b/ doesnt give a shit. I am gettIng sick of gore being featured however. Not because it's gore, but because it's usually not that creative. Titaniums were at least creative. These are just gore for the sake of gore. This one in particular DID keep with the theme of mothers day, but besides that .. Gores getting old
Anon_77: Maybe I haven't been paying attention recently or just never knew, but since when could people post pictures in their comments? Is this the death of ascii posts?
Ponyfagcancer: @Anon_77: Apparently there was a feature in place that stopped images and the like (BBcode)
but it's broken, and the mods dunno how to fix it (lol)
glassfragment: .....For a moment there I wondered why this was featured, especially seeing as how appropriate it is to me since I'm finally busy on my first playthrough. Then I remembered. Mother's Day.
ChaoticTentacles: Anons... Please calm down, I'd you are new then you will soon learn that features like this are common. And if your gonna start flaming, please get a fucking account. It is not that hard.
tendrilhead: personally I find some anons funny as hell. as apposed to full on bans I'd be in favor of more action restrictions though. giving the anons the ability to use images in the comment section could be nixed for example.
PinkBallons: ^ The ability to post images actually shouldn't be available to anyone, member or no. The admins just can't figure out how to disable it atm.
tendrilhead: hmm...well that sucks, it's probably a fundamental part of the site's programing to. like being able to embed videos on most forums. that's got to be problematic to fix. meh at least it provides the occasional chuckle, even if it is vastly more annoying.
Anonymous48: ChaoticTentacles - Nah, features like THIS aren't common. Usually there is something particularly funny or witty about the artwork proper. This isn't funny or witty, or even fap-worthy. Some of us came here from way, way back in the day to fap and/or laugh. Recently, it's just been gore and women crying in every goddamn pictures.
Some days, I wonder if it isn't a ploy by the foes of free speech to make me rationalize the death of the internet and enjoy the time all sites like this are banned and railspikes driven into the whites of your eyes.
Dick_Chappy: *strokes beard*
Rob Brikens, your coined term will now come in handy.
Really, I have been on this site for a year now and this really is getting annoying. I don't mind gore, hell, I am pretty much impartial to everything. But really? Could we just refrain from...this? Ah well, I really don't have a say in this, now do I?
Oh, and could we stop flaming each other? It really is pointless. Now real life fights...I would pay to see those.
Anonymous49(46): @Dick_Chappy: The problem here seems to be that a flamewar from the last featured image is spilling into the current one.
Of course, I'm just one of the faceless masses, so my opinion doesn't count for much.
tendrilhead: a lock wouldn't solve anything though, it'd just add more fuel to the fire for the next feature. and most likely random images that are newly posted.
Dick_Chappy: @tendrilhead:
It is called...crap, hang on, got to look up what "Ruling with an iron fist" is called.
Ah yes, a "tyrannical" rule over the people, or "users" as might be. Every time they flame, lock the post comments or ban them. That is what I would do.
tendrilhead: buuuut, that would get rid of a lot of registered users as well, and cut the inward flow of incoming 34 drastically, slowly killing the site. of course all of this is just opinion, we can't decide shit, only the higher-ups can.
Ambivalent: There i something s frightening about having a vaguely realistic vagina on cartoony style like this 0_0 also, Mother 3 feature is fucking win :D
tendrilhead: I actually had an old account here to tell the truth but never attached an email, lost the password....second time it's happened. originally I was molotovcockfail one image upload from the series negima and I ended up locking myself the fuck out. and as for my mass commenting I'm home sick and bored as hell:/ not that anyone really cares.
Anonymous52: dis "·$%&! its wrong you must go to fkn jail for draw this! just the criminals like you hace an erection ffor this you gonna get fukin serious problems in future so stop doing this!
Anonymous54: My rules: If something bad is featured, ignore it as if it were a feeble attempt to troll you. But from all the offended people I see in this I'd say: Your complaining only creates something worse than that you see yourself. Trolls aren't people you can pwn with common sense. They eat common sense and twist your words. But somewhere in this world, you have a ban-hammer. And you let out your war shriek: "LEEEROOOYY SPARTAAAAA"
Anonymous55: Hm, funny... I did not know there was some people more desperate to get troll bait rather than to get a girlfriend. Even less that they were site "workers". The world is a small place, indeed... Oh, well, at least thinking that anon users are "random fags with no valid argument" lets them sleep at night, so everyone wins in the end.
Mole: The ability to embed pics/videos worries me. It has to eat up server space and bandwidth, and doesn't really add much to comments. This isn't a chan it's a gallery. Hope the admins can fix it - re ^ pinkballoons + tendrillhead.
Ponyfagcancer: @Mole: as has been said multiple times, even on this thread, we shouldn't be able to post them, its just an issue with the coding that the mods are trying to fix. eventually it'll be gone.
Anonymous62(59): So the faggot get offended this site feature gore and therefore spam shit to prove something? Spam CP instead, that would be more offensive.. But we'd prolly just fap to that too
GirlaPH: @Anonymous: Pretty much this. Even though this picture has sex in it, it doesn't have to be that gory. Anything that doesn't have sex and nudity in it will be deleted. Also, that post is pretty much spam so it's likely that anon might get banned for posting big mass images on here plus how graphic some of the pictures are. Good God...why?
tendrilhead: @Sintime: just because stuff worries me doesn't make it your business. given it's a legitimate problem to have space eaten up by these picture posts it's a legitimate worry
tendrilhead: and I've said it before I have no problem with guro it's stuff that eats up sever space like ms paint posts without a purpose and pictures as comments that worries me.
Anon_77: Aaaaaand... Yep, the code that's letting people post pictures in the comments needs to be fixed. If things stay like this then comments everywhere will be forever spammed with ponies.
Course I guess terrible's subjective. I think it's pretty poorly drawn, not funny, less porn and more brutality, and all around not very good. But clearly someone likes it, or it wouldn't be featured, right?
Still, wish whoever chooses the feature would choose things I didn't think sucked...
Sintime: @tendrilhead: I wasn't even talking to you, learn to read ... the comments beforehand and afterwords were all speaking for a guro image that was linked into the comments.
Sintime: Ponyfagcancer@
So mad I'm typing out every letter and screaming them out loud as I type them, and causing my screen to break about into thousands of shards of glass.
And enjoy it.
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Happy mother's day, Paheal. Hope you go to hell.
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that needs to be removed from the site.
quite honestly,all scat,torture and gore should be removed.
save that for gorebuuro or something.
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Some small and cute and tiny.
Something like
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No moar butthurt.
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Guro assholes should just die.
But instead they ban people for flagging pics as guro.
"Oh, no! This way normal people could avoid looking at horrible and disgusting stuff!!!"
Fuck You!
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"Dick up a guy's ass, it's gay!"
"Ew no, there's a girl, I don't fap to girls!"
The rule 63 tag is already a clusterfuck since apparently girls with dicks are still girls but boys with vaginas are girls.
The artist put the fang on the WRONG side.
I thought features were supposed to be either really well drawn, or really funny.
Not just "hurr hurr look there's blood"
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@Anonymous: are u aware that ur a blind fagget
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>ponyfags still find a way to make it shittier
worst mothers' day ever
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@Ponyfagcancer: Cause they are anons
How in all that is giygas do you add an image to a comment?
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Like this:
Do you know what "social life" is?
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ban all ponyfags, they are mostly underage trolls and spaztards anyway
but it's broken, and the mods dunno how to fix it (lol)
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>implying that people drawing/writing pony abuse pics/stories are any older
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Christian Weston Chandler called, he wants his autism back.
And this feature is fucking plebian.
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This is the norm for Rule 34's features.
Deal with it.
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Some days, I wonder if it isn't a ploy by the foes of free speech to make me rationalize the death of the internet and enjoy the time all sites like this are banned and railspikes driven into the whites of your eyes.
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Rob Brikens, your coined term will now come in handy.
Really, I have been on this site for a year now and this really is getting annoying. I don't mind gore, hell, I am pretty much impartial to everything. But really? Could we just refrain from...this? Ah well, I really don't have a say in this, now do I?
Oh, and could we stop flaming each other? It really is pointless. Now real life fights...I would pay to see those.
Of course, I'm just one of the faceless masses, so my opinion doesn't count for much.
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Point shown and taken. But a nice little lock on the thread might come in handy, eh?
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It is called...crap, hang on, got to look up what "Ruling with an iron fist" is called.
Ah yes, a "tyrannical" rule over the people, or "users" as might be. Every time they flame, lock the post comments or ban them. That is what I would do.
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also ^that comment was good up until the shitmeme combo.
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Good luck with that. Also, Paheal doesn't seem to mind featuring gore, so why ban for this?
>IP's can be banned
>I think there are rules against excessive explotation of the BBCode system
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to anon 68: faggot is the one who posts gore on porn site, even if it's not porn. Remember previous feature?
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On topic: I...really have no words for this.
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we should do some porn of those two fucking eachother
you're all autistic faggots. I'm only using a pony reaction image because this literally was my face when viewing the image, and the ensuing comments
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Course I guess terrible's subjective. I think it's pretty poorly drawn, not funny, less porn and more brutality, and all around not very good. But clearly someone likes it, or it wouldn't be featured, right?
Still, wish whoever chooses the feature would choose things I didn't think sucked...
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You will just have to wait until then!
"But when will then be now?"
also it appears Anthony Bourdain has devoured Dashie once again. Poor gal. Why must she be so deliciously lesbo!
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learn your bbcode
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We need more... if only to piss off anon74
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So mad I'm typing out every letter and screaming them out loud as I type them, and causing my screen to break about into thousands of shards of glass.
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Love it, more please.
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