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Anonymous1: We all know Huey wouldn't go for white guys
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Anonymous2: Is huey gay now?
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Kyoshinhei: This is fucking hot
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Anonymous3: I hope Riley is next
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Anonymous4(2): @Anonymous: Sameeeeee
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USAgent: Riley next. In the outfit from the episode where he wore a skirt pls.
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HomoLau: ^this. why is there so little art of that episode?
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Anonymous5: I come back to Boondocks porn and now I see this faggot-ass whiteboy spamming his racist faggot shit all over the fucking board. This is a cracker with a black shota fetish. I would straight up kick his teeth in if i ever saw him irl
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Anonymous6: the BET finally got to Huey and brainwashed him just like they had started to with Riley
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Nearphotison: @Anonymous: What does race have to do with it? A cute character is a cute character.
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Nearphotison: @Anonymous: Okay, weeb.
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Nearphotison: @Anonymous: You're so full of shit, dude. You go around calling me a "faggot" and you have the balls to say I'm racist? Why, because I use black characters exactly the same way I use white characters. Take one look at my posts and tell me this is something I "wouldnt do with a prominent white character". Motherfucker I've -been- doing it with prominent white characters for years. Pull your head out of your ass before you embarrass yourself any further.
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Nearphotison: @Anonymous: The bottom line is there's nothing racist about black people being gay, or crossdressing, because those aren't -bad- things. It's like saying it's racist to draw a black person eating a burger, that's some crazy next-level paranoia. I think you need to take a step back and examine why you see this as an attack. Clearly your homophobia and transphobia is through the roof, and maybe you should examine why you're so full of hate and bigotry.
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: A man of culture I see, well played.
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Anonymous8: @Nearphotison: this has NOTHING to do with your homoerotic fetish but has EVERYTHING to do with using black bottoms to satisfy your racist slave fetish by pairing the most pro-black/Afrocentric cartoon character with cracker cocks. @Anonymous: Facts anon2, this is just a racist fetish.
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traffik: @Anonymous: I see all kinds of skin colors there, Anon, including one dude whose skin is darker than Huey's. Kind of blows your argument out of the water-- but then, I'm not even sure why it matters in the first place. I can't understand why race is such a sticking point for people on this site. It's just Rule 34. Is it totally believable that Riley would bend over for white dicks? No. But so fucking what? Almost every Rule 34 pic, by the sheer fact that it's porn of something that you don't typically see sexual content of in its original form, takes liberties with the source material. So if you have a problem with this, then either you just don't understand how Rule 34 works, or I don't know, I guess maybe you're just against race mixing. Tough shit. Get over it. Not everybody has your hang-ups, and Nearphotison can draw Riley getting fucked by any color cock he wants to-- black, white, turquoise, whatever.

In any case, getting all bent out of shape over it at the same time as you're calling someone else racist is like the pot calling the kettle-- oops, better not finish that sentence.
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traffik: ^Shit, I got my characters mixed up. I said "Riley" the second and third times, when I meant Huey. Haven't seen the show in a while.
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Anonymous9: @traffik: STFU Im not reading that bullshit, the fact stands that this white artist is using black bottoms to satisfy his racist black fetish, and NOTHING you say will change that. So fuck you and your self-righteous bullshit while you dont say shit to other more vehemently racist trolls.
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traffik: @Anonymous: "while you dont say shit to other more vehemently racist trolls"

I have in fact done that, on several occasions-- but if I did it every time I saw it, it's all I would ever do on this site, because the racism is fucking everywhere here. A lot of it slips by me now, because I've wordfiltered almost every permutation of the n-word that I've come across on the site. In some ways, I'm trash, just like a lot of other people here. But I'm also the guy who PM'd staff a couple of years ago and asked them to consider taking action against the surge in racist commenting that I'd begun to notice. I was rebuffed, with the claim that cracking down on it would constitute "oppression in the guise of virtue". But it wasn't too long after that that the site instituted its own n-word wordfilter. I'm not saying I necessarily had anything to do with making that happen, but I was ahead of the site in trying to stem the tide. So don't assume that I just talk the talk.
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Anonymous10: It's white man's birthright to fuck any n_igger he wants, and it's n_igger's job to serve the white master. No other way around. Time to accept this. It will make your lives easier.
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Nearphotison: @Anonymous: Fuck you.
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Anonymous11: @Nearphotison: Shut up, dindu muffin.
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Anonymous12: Yeah i'm still waiting for the Riley skirt version btw
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Anonymous13: Isn't Huey like a kid or something?
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Anonymous14: @Anonymous: I hate to burst your bubble, but the "are they the right age?" train left the station about...5 minutes after the site went up however many years ago. If this type of content bothers you, then you should brace yourself mentally, 'cause dis shit is EVERYWHERE!
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: You know it doesnt become any more justified because a lot of people watch it
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous: shut up blackie your mad about a drawing

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