Anonymous2: First of all, it's 'insecure' not 'unsecure'. Secondly, of course this is better - what the fuck is a futa chick anyway? They don't exist. They're transvestite men you fuckin' homo! Not that there's anything wrong with that, you being a homo, that is.
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: And, perhaps YOU didn't know...THIS IS AN ILLUSTRATION, a visual rendition of an idea someone had in their heads! No one has to endorse, believe it, OR, even look at it, if they don't want to! Instead of making personal attacks on someone else's sexuality, based on that person's perceived sexuality(by you)perhaps you should come to grips with your own!?
Anonymous6: man, people get real mad about porn sometimes. I think Futas are okay personally, as it's just a fictional and slightly more organic approach to pegging. Same concept, really.
relax a bit