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Anonymous1: WTF IS DAT?
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Anonymous2: ^ This is the world's only arcade game that can not be played by women.
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Anonymous3(2): I hope it will be ported on Wii.
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Dagger: 18 hit combo! K.O.!
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Anonymous4: what do the buttons do?
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Anonymous5: Half circle forward plus top three buttons = donkey punch, half circle backwards equals plus bottom three = dirty sanchez. Havnt figured out the finisher for angry pirate yet.
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Anonymous6: CAN YOU SAY STD!

having this in an arcade would be bad..
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Anonymous7(2): The more the merrier. I'm more concerned about how the control stick could be used.
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Anonymous8: Gomenasai, there is no reason in t he world that th is game cannot be plaied by women. In a number of games, you can chose who you're playing as, or, against. And, if this one doesn't have that application(it may be a prototype), until then, then just hit the "ORAL" or, "MANUAL" in the MENU. That, or, use the strap-on attachment.
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Anonymous9(8): Gomenasai, there is no reason in t he world that th is game cannot be plaied by women. In a number of games, you can chose who you're playing as, or, against. And, if this one doesn't have that application(it may be a prototype), until then, then just hit "ORAL" or, "MANUAL" in the MENU. That, or, use the strap-on attachment. And, the control stick is probably used to concentrate on a particular item, or, area, like breasts, lips, etc.
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Anonymous10: This confuses and engrages me
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Anonymous11: Giggety!
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous: but you need to cum inside and if you do that you no longer a woman!!!!

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