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TagsCommunism, Islam, Muhammad, antifa, happy_merchant, jew, politics, religion
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Info784x1000 // 121KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: Shitty alt-right art
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Anonymous2: True, Islam is evil
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Anonymous3: Eat a dick Anon1, leftists deserve the rope.
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Anonymous4(1): @Anonymous3 Alt-right can't art
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NationalistFur666: @Anonymous: shut the fuck up
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NationalistFur666: 14/88
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Anonymous5: So do the nazis. Commies hung on the left side of the street, nazis on the right: that would be a proper day of the rope.
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Kurachii: and here we see the ones actually being anything BUT peaceful
even on a friggin porn site they gotta attack people.... sigh, it'll never be peaceful at all

i'll keep hoping, but doubt it ever even comes close to being peaceful with these "peaceful" people that thinks it deserves freedom for anything, but takes it away from people who disagree with em.... and they can trump bad, HAH

have fun on a friggin PORN site, bye
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Anonymous6: neo-Judeo-bolshevism? lo. you realize hitler thought Islam was the best religion, right?
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Anonymous7: ALL RELIGIONS ARE EVIL! Think for yourself! Peace!
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: The left can't meme
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Anonymous9: This is just racist and antisemitic. This is just disgusting.
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: But it's true. And besides you're disgusting for clicking on to this, plus you're disgusting in general, you dirty, filthy Jew or you dirty, filthy Jew lover.
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: thank you
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous: They'd both be on the left side of the street, because they're both forms of leftism. That anyone even pretends to accept that the 100% government fascism is a form of low-government right-side spectrum is autistic.

Oh wait, I forgot, the X axis doesn't matter because of the secret Y axis of racism right?

You can shove all the problematic leftist parties on the right if you want, but it doesn't change history.

Nazis were leftists.
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Anonymous13: @Anonymous: meanwhile antifa art will be of little boys naked...
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Anonymous14: @Anonymous: Wasn't aware the Catholic Church was antifa now
@Anonymous: Open literally any history textbook you wasteman

Anyways imagine being OP and not only sourcing things from /pol/, but not even 4chan /pol/ but 8chan /pol/ for the extra pedo points
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: Neither can alt-left. Sorry. Truth hurts.
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Anonymous16: “____ side’s art would have little boys” the person who uploaded this literally uploads art of little boys
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Anonymous17: You should have him digging up Biden's first baby daughter that died in the car crash and fucking her little dead pussy.
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Anonymous18: @Anonymous: True, Jewish is evil
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Anonymous19(18): True, Christ and Jewish is evil

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