InconspicuousLamia: @Pyroking: It is not. I saw this on Pixiv a couple weeks ago or so. Refer to the other two images posted alongside this. The artist is a notorious Guro artist, and this was one of the most recent works.
The story goes the chef "Stuffed" and served her and kept the head for personal use.
Anonymous3: lmao fuck off anon , you won't do shit to anybody, it's just a fucking drawing, the artist just draws guro
you seem more fucked up than him when you want to actually kill someone when he isn't even thinking of killing anyone you fucking dumbass
Anonymous7: Anon 2 here. Jesus, how mad must have I been back then?
That was definitely not a suitable thing to say, and I should have not said that.
I really regret making that comment like a triggered butthurt idiot.
Nevertheless, I still despise this piece of art and possibly the artist too for making this, but not enough to want them dead.
It's not like making art is that huge of a crime.
Anyway, I've been an idiot and I now got peace for my mind by writing it here.
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Points for anyone who got that reference. Also, yeah. I'll admit. There was an attempt to make this sexy. A valiant attempt.
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The story goes the chef "Stuffed" and served her and kept the head for personal use.
Yeah, I'm not really happy with it either. :T
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And they'll goose will get cooked if they fuck with the tags again.
you seem more fucked up than him when you want to actually kill someone when he isn't even thinking of killing anyone you fucking dumbass
and while we're at it we might as well snap anon3s neck.
That was definitely not a suitable thing to say, and I should have not said that.
I really regret making that comment like a triggered butthurt idiot.
Nevertheless, I still despise this piece of art and possibly the artist too for making this, but not enough to want them dead.
It's not like making art is that huge of a crime.
Anyway, I've been an idiot and I now got peace for my mind by writing it here.