Anonymous4: "Could've been BETTER" is what I say...and mind you, I'm one who likes brown skinned girls! But this current character model doesn't do it for me at all.
Pyroking: @Anonymous: And you...well, how are the friends that you don't have? I'm sure they'd looooove to hear your opinions and not either join you out of a sense of obligation or because they have nothing else to do with their lives.
Anonymous6: @Pyroking: you're a conplete cuck faggot piece of shit. you LITURLAY sound like a little woman you dorky little soyboy bitch. back to reddit, faggit. you couldn't be friends with my friends, loser lol
Anonymous7(6): notice the anons didn't register with this site and make a faggy name and routinely come here to post with other degenerate faggots? yeah, they're better off than you are, loser. ur the biggest outsider in society there is. and do keep making conclusions that everyone that doesn't fall in line with shitlib cuck brainwashing is a friendless outcast loser outlier in society, because i want you to keep losing and meltdown one day when you see the truth and how ur the biggest faggot there is.
oh yeah, and fuck april o'attractive and successful African, and fuck forced multiculturalism
Pyroking: Behold, the goddamn nightmare that is this comments section. I It's just a different skin color on a character and a different interpretation that still manages to capture the usual elements of an April O' Neil character. The fact that people are losing their minds over this is...well, judging by the dialogue by a certain anon (or two or more) here, it's become a reason for lonely fools to bitch. And, to Anon 6, indeed. I don't want to be friends with your friends if they're even real. This shit is evidence of that.
Anonymous11: @Anonymous: do,you know what mammy looks like? Pardon me but I don’t see her hair covered by a scarf and she doesn’t have huge g-cup breasts and weigh 300 lbs
Anonymous17: Wow even have to make April O'Neil black roflmao! Reverse racism at it's best! I believe in all equality and not racist and find the Reverse racism to be just a shifting of where the hate goes instead of solving the real problem...
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fuck off back to reddit, fаggot, and take your niggеrshit with you.
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oh yeah, and fuck april o'attractive and successful African, and fuck forced multiculturalism
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Until then, here's a puppy:
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