Rat: I'm having a bad day so everything I post will have a hint of angry, pissed off or rage in it.
Also I hate Harry Potter and everything even remotely associated with Harry Potter with a fucking passion. Seriously, he's a fucking EPIC faggot and needs to BURN AND DIE AND GO TO HELL AND BURN EVEN MORE FOREVER AND EVER FOR ALL ETERNITY TO THE END OF TIME AND BEYOND!!!
RAT MAD! RAT SMASH!! RAT FAP!!! *fapfapfap*
I'M SO ANGRY, GOD DAMN IT! *punches some random innocent anon in the face* AAAAAAAAAAH!
*runs away, screaming, punching random anons that get in his way, leaving a trail of crying, bloody anons in his wake*
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Artist must be a fan too.
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Also I hate Harry Potter and everything even remotely associated with Harry Potter with a fucking passion. Seriously, he's a fucking EPIC faggot and needs to BURN AND DIE AND GO TO HELL AND BURN EVEN MORE FOREVER AND EVER FOR ALL ETERNITY TO THE END OF TIME AND BEYOND!!!
RAT MAD! RAT SMASH!! RAT FAP!!! *fapfapfap*
I'M SO ANGRY, GOD DAMN IT! *punches some random innocent anon in the face* AAAAAAAAAAH!
*runs away, screaming, punching random anons that get in his way, leaving a trail of crying, bloody anons in his wake*
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Seriously, though, here's hoping things conspire to make Rat less angry.
...and I agree that Ginny's freckles are ugly as sin.
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Either that, or the artist made Ginny and Luna's faces look like hose Troll dolls that were everywhere around ten years ago.
Possibly both.
I've no idea why though.