bleepbloopblaap: I can understand people liking Rey but as a film character, she is so fucking lazily developed that even an 11yo kid from my school back in the day could've written a better and likable character, and the funny thing is that Rey is basically something an avarage 11yo would develop as a protagonist for their adventures in magic land -story. If you are still in denial why she fails in every aspect, I have no hope for you even understanding basic fundementals of creating a well-developed protagonist. At this point, they might as well make Kylo Ren the protagonist and just kill off Rey.
Anonymous5: @Anonymous: this. I don't get how a girl beating a dude who got shot by a bowcaster is somehow a mary sue just because she won. the hate boner for the new star wars is so retarded it boggles the fucking mind at this point that we still have neckbeards being this vocal over stupid shit.
Anonymous6: People get so pissy over the new star wars and this character in particular, that they totally missed the black dick in the image. That's normally the thing that triggers kids on this website.
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