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Visitor: @Anonymous: Nobody cares shut the fuck up
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: fuck off ihatethisfs
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: The same comment (or at least one similar) was made on the original pixiv page for this image. Did you seriously track this down to leave the same comment?
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: "mas" is ihatethisfs in pixiv the same mspain garbage he has in here >>2675420 is on there ---> https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=69730040 as always he pretends to be someone else but his broken english and stupid comments over pointless shit makes it easy to spot him and when people call him out on it he says "i dont know this person" followed by a "die" or "shit of shit"
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Anonymous5: Let me kms rq