Anonymous2: Don't "What?"...
You know exactly whats going on, you found a porn. And now you asking what. shouldn't it be OBVIOUS! Did you think, "Rule34? THe PoRn SiTe WeRe PeOpLe MaKe PoRn HaS pOrN?! DID IT NOT OCCUR TO YOU THAT SEARCHING TEMMIE OR NAPSTABLOOK WOULD GET YOU SOMETHING LIKE THIS? You really are just another spec of humanity. You call this horrible. Not wanted. Gross. Disgusting, when plenty of others love this kind of stuff. Don't be questioning others just because they enjoy something you don't. -From a loser plenty of time on his hands and faps to porn. "Now you cant respond back with "Your just a loser who faps to porn." Because I already claimed that title. No point in making fun of some one if they already admit defeat?
Anonymous3: @Anonymous: But that's obvious with the territory, and shouldn't need to be restated, especially 1.) in anywhere near a scathing tone, and 2.) by someone who (likely) doesn't know the territory and various reactions inside-out. (On a separate note, those last two lines definitely seem laced with cowardice.)
Since this comments section is now completely de-railed by the above comment and this counter-statement, this picture is very low-key, and I have nothing else to do, I shall now add my additional knowledge: Porn isn't purely "for fappability" or "for the character/s". I can note, at minimum* (obvious or not regardless, and starting with what's stated): For physical viewing pleasure ("fappability"); love of character/fandom; love of art style (detailed/cute/anime?); fetish/kink-driven (e.g. hyper-expansion); sheer audacity ("This character seems pure/innocent/detached from all explicit matters; I'm gonna lewd it [for the sake of it]/[and wreck that facade]/[to the most audacious extent possible]); humor-driven (rare); thought-driven ("I have this clever idea..."); emotion-driven (quite rare).
Some motivations are clearer than others as well (and can be combined together). As clear-as-a-bell fetish art may be, this could be either character-driven, cuteness-driven, or audacity-driven, and I'm completely sure about the fact that I can't tell which one/s this is. Checking an artist's related works (and their notes) may give hints, but going any farther than that treads onto rotten soil (as everyone should know/learn).
* I mainly dip into Nintendo-ish a.k.a. "cute but not diabetes" territories (Mario/Kirby mainly), but I have seen my fair share of everything.
Anonymous4(2): True. But I’m only here to be a asshole and troll people on the internet. You know, because I’m one of those retards. Thanks for your comment and I was generally interested on what you had to say and you did come up with some good facts. -from your cowardly loser
You know exactly whats going on, you found a porn. And now you asking what. shouldn't it be OBVIOUS! Did you think, "Rule34? THe PoRn SiTe WeRe PeOpLe MaKe PoRn HaS pOrN?! DID IT NOT OCCUR TO YOU THAT SEARCHING TEMMIE OR NAPSTABLOOK WOULD GET YOU SOMETHING LIKE THIS? You really are just another spec of humanity. You call this horrible. Not wanted. Gross. Disgusting, when plenty of others love this kind of stuff. Don't be questioning others just because they enjoy something you don't. -From a loser plenty of time on his hands and faps to porn. "Now you cant respond back with "Your just a loser who faps to porn." Because I already claimed that title. No point in making fun of some one if they already admit defeat?
Since this comments section is now completely de-railed by the above comment and this counter-statement, this picture is very low-key, and I have nothing else to do, I shall now add my additional knowledge: Porn isn't purely "for fappability" or "for the character/s". I can note, at minimum* (obvious or not regardless, and starting with what's stated): For physical viewing pleasure ("fappability"); love of character/fandom; love of art style (detailed/cute/anime?); fetish/kink-driven (e.g. hyper-expansion); sheer audacity ("This character seems pure/innocent/detached from all explicit matters; I'm gonna lewd it [for the sake of it]/[and wreck that facade]/[to the most audacious extent possible]); humor-driven (rare); thought-driven ("I have this clever idea..."); emotion-driven (quite rare).
Some motivations are clearer than others as well (and can be combined together). As clear-as-a-bell fetish art may be, this could be either character-driven, cuteness-driven, or audacity-driven, and I'm completely sure about the fact that I can't tell which one/s this is. Checking an artist's related works (and their notes) may give hints, but going any farther than that treads onto rotten soil (as everyone should know/learn).
* I mainly dip into Nintendo-ish a.k.a. "cute but not diabetes" territories (Mario/Kirby mainly), but I have seen my fair share of everything.
- Reply
Are those Travis and Katelyn from mystreet?