Anonymous8: @Anonymous: This. Seriosuly, the RWBY porn comments sections often become filled with pointless arguments about the character or ships involved.
Anonymous9(8): @Anonymous: Also, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? There are plenty quality non-futa Weiss and Ruby images here,they have metric tonnes of images. Ruby is over a thousand and Weiss is nearing that number too. Consider that there are only 5600 RWBY images in the site. If anyone needs more images it's underappreciated side characters that are also quite hot. So not Jaune either, I grant that, but Ruby and Weiss don't need more images more than other characters. Besides, the Jaune-fucking-every-girl thing is mostly comissions to artists, who don't have much of a choice. What are you going to do, refuse the fucking money that you live off?
Anonymous10: @Anonymous: You forget that most of those pictures have Jaune in them. This harem obsessed fandom just shows how they love to waste money on unoriginal characters.
Anonymous15: I mean, Jaune is the only one to survive a battle with Cinder without ex machina magic like Ruby or Raven did, and he actually did more damage to her too and bruised her fragile ego, even after Ruby fried her face and Raven iced her and dumped her in a hole, she was more pissed at Jaune for being able to physically harm her, and he did fight and kill a Nuckelavee, fight off two giant Ursa alone, so clearly Pyrrha’s training is doing something. Seems like people are just pissed he’s not being a spectacle fighter like everyone else flying around the arena like it’s Devil May Cry or something. I’d still rather have him as our protagonist over dumb Ruby, who often forgets she has a semblance that lets her fly at Mach speed (would’ve been REALLY useful to just zip around Haven and just slice up Cinder when she was distracted, but nope, she’d rather sit and do nothing.)
That kind of shit sounds just so cringy and sad.