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Anonymous1: Sexy. Nothing like getting sucked by the black girl next door.
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Anonymous2: I think I'll improve this pic, by making the dude black.
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samuraiidiot: Interracial contrast in skin color is always hot.
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Anonymous3: Ravioli Ravioli dont lewd the robotics loli
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: agree nothing is better
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Anonymous5: A@Anonymous: please improve it. I’m sick and tired of ALWAYS seeing the few black girls in video games/animation being fucked by whites. These artists never draw them with black men. Shit pisses me off. These clowns love this shit but hate anon black men fucking their waifu. Please make the guy black!!
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Anonymous6: @samuraiidiot: @samuraiidiot: except when it’s a black man’s and some waifu. Then watch the comments
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: If you love black dick that much, draw your own. The artists don't owe you anything
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Anonymous7: @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: always got to be one cracker that loves seeing brown girls and DEFENDING browns girls with whitey but when its time to see a black man or faceless black man with their waifu, than its an ALT-RIght conviction. FUCK YOU. You wouldn't have said shit if this was a IR with a black man and the comments were downvoting and saying racist shit.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Get some ointment on that butthurt, faggot. There's plenty of black dick on this site for you to fap to. Go find it instead of complaining that there's not enough.
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Anonymous8: @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: suck my dick you smalldick anon faggot. Everything I said was pure facts. I want to see some dark girls with blck dicks. You faggots love this shit but hate it when the faceless black man is fucking some waifu. Fuck you, eat a dick, and choke.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Everything I said was true, too. You're a butthurt bitch and you like black dick. Stay mad though, it's hilarious.
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Anonymous9: Everything you said was pure conjecture. You wouldn't have white-knighted when these alt-right trolls come in and bash a pic with a black man. You came in here with your cape on like some moral fag but dont say shit to all the real racist trolls. Youre a passive-aggressive cocksucking faggot.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: So angry. It's hilarious. Also
>alt-right trolls
Go back to tumblr, faggot
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Anonymous10: @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: After you fetch your momma so she could suck my dick faggot. This drawing is trash anyways, doesnt even deserve all these comments.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: loooool you really are 12 years old using "yo momma" jokes. And the only reason you think it's trash is because there's no black dick for you to jerk off to
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Anonymous11(10): Youre only here cause I called out the hypocrisy concerning you insecure neckbeards which includes you. If it didn't affect you, then u shouldn't have said shit.If those edits come out, you wouldn't be flappin your cape. Ill enjoy the comments and egg them on once they appear. Which includes you, faggot.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: I don't care about these images either way. I'm just making fun of queers like you who want more black dick but try to make it look like you want them with girls. Funny that you'd call someone else insecure, though.
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Anonymous12: Anon, there's hundreds of black dick on white loli stuff. Seriously, look up Mantis-X and come back to us.
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Anonymous13: @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: if you werent insecure you wouldn't have said shit, cracker. Its all about projection, right faggot? I mean thats the same excuse yall use when you see a black edit or a black dick fucking yall waifu? Neckbeards like you get butthurt over a drawing with black dick but get all excited with a black girl getting dick. If all the Efi drawings had black men yall wouldve downvote them all. Insecure crackers do shit like that.
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Anonymous14(13): @Anonymous: that's not the point. And one artist doesn't substitute for all awful drawings of brown girls/lolis with awful anon crackers. Im just giving yall a taste of what neckbeard anons give people who want to fap to black dicks fucking girls. All the aids comments and shit but no aids comments on this? Fuck that.
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Anonymous15: Fuck all the butt hurt shit golems who have a problem with attractive and successful African britches getting dominated by their true kings. Yall mad because every female knows my white meat is better than burnt, and if they don't we'll show em!
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Anonymous16(15): Fuck that fix text shit too. I ment what i said nd I said (NIIGRR BITCHHES!) Not attractive and successful African.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: I have to be insecure to make fun of your stupid ass for being insecure? I think you should have paid more attention in school, friendo.

Also, I don't know why you're so angry about it. There's black dick all of this site and the internet. Go look at it instead of crying about it here
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Closo: @Anonymous: fucking get over it. white on black looks way better than white on white or black on black, it helps distinguish the two different bodies. this is like the first thing you learn as a porn artist.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Something tells me you should have paid more attention in school rather than getting mad that there's not enough black dick on the internet.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Pretty telling that you're so butthurt that you have to look through my profile to find things to try and insult me with lol. Sorry, but I'm not an insecure faggot like you, so it's not going to work.
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Anonymous17: guys can we just enjoy the porn, jesus christ
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Anonymous18: @Anonymous: na fuck that shit. Yall cumskins go apeshit over black originals and black edits and pollute the comment section with all type of racist filth. So dont cry over some lil comments when the shoe is on the other foot. This is just a small taste of your own medicine. You wouldn't whiteknight when Mister_Black or the Kommissoner makes racist or libtard comments in every black male drawing, so dont come in here with a holier than thou attitude on this ugly shit drawing here. Only reason why racist crackers like this and come into it because they project their nasty bodies into some cartoon black loli while being racist and downvoting all the black male drawings fucking their waifu. SO in short, fuck you.
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Anonymous19: @Anonymous: Silence liberal
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Anonymous20(18): @Anonymous: this is what pathetic whiteboys say when they have no counter argument :)
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Anonymous21(19): @Anonymous: Cry me a river, cuckboy. Your tears are delicious
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Anonymous22: Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Thus proving your insecurities lol.
@Anonymous: You're probably not even black, just a white guy trying to troll. I hope you're trying to troll, anyway, because I refuse to believe anyone is quite that sad.
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Anonymous23: Holy fuck what a shitshow
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Anonymous24(18): @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: Friday afternoon, and you are on paheal and just keep on commenting to a troll on a shitty black loli picture with a disgusting cracker anon drawn by a racist artist. Go out to drink or something, if youre old enough.

@Anonymous: agreed, this drawing is shitty.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Friday afternoon, and you're here too, dipshit. If you're going to try and troll, don't drag yourself down, too. Undermines the whole thing.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Says the person doing the exact same thing lol. You're cutting off your nose to spite your face with these self-owns
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: You're being too obvious. Calling it racist because it's interracial is too absurd to be believable.
Also, "jackass".
I don't know why you wanted me to respond with that, but there you go.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: "Were" going to respond. No, still you who needs to go back to school lol.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Pot, meet kettle. Especially since you responded in about the same time lol. If you're going to troll, troll, but stop owning yourself. It ruins the effect.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Actually you replied less than an hour after, but nice try. Also, the fact that you're trying so hard to get the last word is half the reason I keep checking here. The other half is to see you fail so hard at trolling. It's better than TV
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: I love how you're so self conscious about it to the point that you try to time yourself on when you reply. I'm starting to think you're not even a troll, you're just a 12 year old who loves black dick.
Also love how you keep changing how often I refresh the page because you're too stupid to stick to one narrative, kek. It's funny to see you get this angry because I didn't let you get the last word, though. Do more of that
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Anonymous25: Stop feeding the troll, just fap to a chocolate cookie enjoying some premium white meat
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Oh boy, you either don't know how to spell or you were typing that through bitch tears. A short lease? Are you saying you're my landlord? Or did you spell "leash" wrong because you're retarded? I do love how you're trying so desperately hard to get me to stop replying so you can get the last word, though. But as a "black man", I'm sure you're used to "struggling", right?
@Anonymous: No way, this is hilarious. Imagine getting this mad because someone laughed at them for liking black dick
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Anonymous26: @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: hey sorry to keep you waiting, you know you were waiting so patiently for my response. You know you cant function properly without my response, so here you go, bitchboy. Now do my bidding.
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Anonymous27(26): @Anonymous: so you like white meat, fagboy?
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: I assume your bidding involves my penis and some brown paint, so no thank you. Just not letting you get the last word because I know how angry that makes you
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Anonymous28: what the fuck is happening
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ifuckwowsluts: Love to fuck her throat
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Whatever helps you sleep at night, friendo. One shudders to imagine what dreams of chronic and sustained dick you have.

@Anonymous: Anon likes black dick so I was laughing at him for whining about this picture not having it instead of just finding a picture that did. At this point he's mad that I won't give him the last word.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Have I missed watching you sperg out because I won't let you get the last word? Of course I have
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: You sure do go all in with the daddy roleplay, huh? So you're into incest as well as black dick
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: So lets see. You're projecting your faggotry. You love black dick. And you have a daddy fetish. Should I call the cops? Should we talk about your dad? Do you even know your dad?
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Anonymous29: @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: another response, I knew u couldn't resist lmao.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: It's hard to resist seeing you sperging out, I admit
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Anonymous30: @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: I know because like my dog u come when I say so haha
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Went from daddy to dog, eh? I must have hit too close to home about your dad fucking you as a kid. It's ok, let go of your anger. There's plenty of black dick on this site, and the internet at large.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Says the guy who was fucked by his dad and loves black dick lol
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Hey, you spelled "typing" correctly, this time! I notice you didn't use a faggy emoji this time, either. I must be really hitting close to home about why you love black dick so much lol
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Anonymous31(30): @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: keep on typing botchboy, you’re making this easy :)
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Making what easy? Laughing at you because your dad fucked you and now you cry like a bitch if pictures don't have black dick in them?
Oh god, you don't have a humiliation fetish too, do you?
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Anonymous32: @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: hahaha I love that I fucking own you, keep going, bitch
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: I love that you're trying so very hard to get me to stop posting when I could say I own you too. Which would actually be a lot more accurate, what with you being a black guy.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: I do come here because of you, yes. It's hilarious to see you sperg out because I won't let you have the last word. You want the last word so bad that I'm starting to suspect that you're a woman
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Anonymous33: @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: show everyone how much I own you, boy :)
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: You don't have good enough credit to own anything lol. Maybe you could lease me, like your dumb ass said before
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: Whatever helps you sleep at night. Besides black dick fantasies lol
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @kuroman: You accidentally stayed signed in, faggot. Boy oh boy what a tapestry your likes, dislikes, and comments weaves. You can't even deny that you love black did anymore.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: looool he sent me a PM trying to tell me it wasn't him
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Anonymous34: Nothing beats a bath time blowjob

(Honestly though, I would never do anything like this to a real kid. That really fucks them up in the head. So only whack it to fictional characters, don't get the little ones involved.)
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Anonymous35: Damn, go back to the unemployment line ya n I gg ers
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: And you're still a retard, imagine that. Unironically kill yourself, faggot

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